Channel Management (Fach)
In diesem Fach befinden sich 7 Lektionen
- 04 - Channel Structure 12 1) What kind of intermediaries are in my channel? 2) How many of them? 3) What are their preferences?
- 02 - Service Output Demand 11 1) Role of end users and their demands 2) Service output demands 3) Channel segmentation
- 07 - Channel Conflict 10 1) Nature of conflict 2) Sources of conflict 3) Effects of conflicts 4) Strategies for containing destructive/excessive conflict
- 08 - Vertical Integration 9 1) Nature of VI 2) Reasons to vertically (dis)integrate 3) Transaction costs 4) Outlook
- Take Aways 9
- 03 - Channel Flows and Efficiency Analysis 5 1) Channel Flows - Which work needs to be done in the channel system? 2) Efficiency Analysis - How do we determine channel member compensation?
- Wortschatz 1 englisg-ungarisch