Channel Management (Fach) / 04 - Channel Structure (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 12 Karteikarten
1) What kind of intermediaries are in my channel? 2) How many of them? 3) What are their preferences?
Diese Lektion wurde von hannemac erstellt.
- What kind of distribution exist? intensive distribution large numbers of outlets Extreme selective distribution few numbers of outlets Exlusive
- What level of distribution intensity in case of convenience goods? customer will not leave the outlet if his favorit brand is sould out, he will choose an alternative brand small stores only stocks the top one or two brands if brand coverage steps over a threshold level, coverage boosts in small stores the higher the "brank market share" the higher the likelihood, that other small outlets will adopt the brand
- How channel members perceive intensive distribution? downstream channel members would prefere exclusive inventory/distribution, intensive distribution works in the other direction price competitioin increases ("intrabrand competition") manufactures desirable intrabrand price competition retailer lost margin, because the competition with other retailers result in lower prices if the problem get not solved, channel members will reconsider their brand support
- "Pull" strategy builds up brands equity (Marktwert) the brand name pulls customers customers demand this brand because of its equity advertising and promotion are adopt by manufacturer independence from the retailer over other channel members
- Resale Price Maintenance manufacturer set legally a price floor (minimum resale price) competiton by resellers only on non-price basis (special additional service) lost efficiency has to be paid by the customer
- Three Ways Channel Members can drop a Brand Delisting List brand but no active support Bait and Switch
- How manufacturer can substain intensive distribution? contractually "pull" strategy resale price maintenance frequent introduction of new product branded variants
- Nature of Products convenience goods shopping goods specialty goods the higher the selectivity, the higher the price and the lower the frequency of purchase
- Major Challanges for a quality Position in the Market find the right channel partner for appropriately support for the brand enlisting channel support, if intrabrand competition is low
- Up- and Downside for increasing Selectivity in Coverage (Manufacturers View) Upside gives channel a better margin motivation over the channel influence over the channel include channel into relationship-specific investments Downside opportunity cost link to profit not clear more coverace = more salesless sales by selective distribution
- Mutual Dependence for stabilize ralationships Manufacturer offers limited coverace => dependent on channel Channel offers limited assortment => dependent on manufacturer => only for long term strategy/relationship=> substain a strong relationstip=> an important precondition is trust!
- Mutual Dependence (Channel Member's View) increasing selectivity in assortment Upside gives manufacturer more volume influence over the manufacturer manufacturer have to make channel specific investments Downside opportunity cost