Cognitive Psychology (Fach) / Chapter 10 (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 73 Karteikarten
Diese Lektion wurde von Janina erstellt.
- What is lexical ambiguity? Ambiguity cause by a word that has more than one meaning (e.g. bank)
- What is a "garden-path sentence"? A sentence that initially gives riseto an incorrect interpretation ,necessitating backtracking and reinterpretation.
- What are two possible ways to process a whole sentence? 1) Word by word 2) Read or hear the whole sentence first and then make sense of it.
- Which of the two possible ways would make a big demand on the working memory? The "wait and see approach". The other approach is "word by word approach" which would not demand to hold information for a long time.
- What is the "immediacy principle"? It sais that we process as we go along the sentence. It's the most favourable approach.
- Which knowledge is used in sentence processing? Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic.
- What is a "node"? In a phrase structure tree, a node is each point at which the tree branches.
- It is assumed that we use what to recover the syntatctic structure of a sentence? Heuristic strageties.
- What is the "noun-verb-noun" stragety? It's a heuristic that we use to make sense of sentences.
- What are two basic strageties that people use to keep their inition syntactic parsing as simple as possible? "Late closure strategy"; "Minimal attachment stragety"
- What is the "late closure" stragety? If gramatically permissible, each new incoming term is attached to the clause or phrase currently being processed.
- What is parsing? The process of analysing a string of words into grammatical constituents.
- What is lexicalisation? Process by which the thought that underlies a word is turned into the sound of that word.
- How many stages is the process of lexicalisation thought to have ? Its assumes to be a two stage process.
- What are the two stages in lexicalisation? Lemma and Lexeme.
- Do lemma and lexeme explain the "tip of the tongue" state? Yes.
- Explain what "lemma" is. Lemma is the abstract representation of a word. its the semantic representation of the word and the syntactic information associated with it (not phonological form)
- What is described as lexeme? The actual phonological form of a word.
- Are Slips of the Tongues systematic? yes.
- What is used to investigate the process that starts with a thoughts and endds in speech? Slip of the tongues.
- What four types of slips of the tongue? Word substitutions Word exchanges Sound exchange errors Morpheme exchange or "stranding" errors.
- What is Garrett's model? According to Garrett's model the production of a sentence involves a series of levels which all happen independent from each other.
- What are the different levels in Garrett's theory? Message level Functional level Positional level Phonetic level Articulation level