Cognitive Psychology (Fach) / Chapter 2 (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 132 Karteikarten
Diese Lektion wurde von Janina erstellt.
- In the chapter of Perception, which main topics are covered ? Visual perception, auditory perception, haptic perception
- What is haptic perception ? - not known yet-
- What does the template theory say? Template in german means "Schablone". It means that incoming sensory stimuli are compared to excisting internal schemas or "templates".
- What does "template" mean in german ? Schablone or Vorlage
- With which theory can the template theory be compared with ? Schema theory of chapter 1
- What did the schema theory of chapter 1 say again ? The schema theory tried to explain how we make sense of perceptual input. The schema theory sais that all incoming sensory input is compared to certain schemas that are already in our memory store.
- The template theory is a development of which other theory ? The schema theory.
- What does the template theory say ? We hold an internal schema (or template) about some object or subject and incoming sensory input is compared to this schema.
- What are the four main stages of processing mentionned in chapter one again ? Perception, Learning & Memory storage, Retrieval, Thinking
- What is the result of template matching ? The more you rotate a picture of a certain shape, the longer it takes participants to recognize the matching picture.
- What did the Gestalt approach in chapter 1 say again ? The Gestalt approach, introduced in chapter 1, sais that we always contribute something to our perceptional input from our experience or knowlegde. We favour the simplest and best interpretation available.
- Which approach sais that the perception of and whole object is more than only the sum of its parts ? Gestalt approach
- Which questions is central to the Gestalt approach ? The question of how objects are defined !
- The question of how objects are defined is central in which approach ? Gestalt approach
- What did Gestalt psychologists say about how we perceive objects ? We separate objects from their background
- What are "reversible figures"? Figures in which the background and object can be reversed. Example p. 24
- " If we are to regognise objects we need to be able to tell them apart from everything else" belongs to which approach of perception ? Gestalt approach
- Summarize the gestalt approach in one sentence! The approach sais that we may segregate the whole world into "figures and their backgrounds".
- What is the problem with the gestalt approach and template matching theories ? They do not explain how information get in the system in the first place
- Which other theory holds as a solution for the problems with the gestalt approach and the template matching theory ? The feature-extraction theories.
- Of which other theory is feature extraction theory a variation of ? Template theory
- Feature extraction theory is a variation of template theory. However, where is the difference ? In template theory, it is assumed that incoming sensory information is compared to excisting templates. In feature extraction theory, is is assumed that not whole objects are tried to match, but the objects are broken down into their features.
- To which theory belongs Selfridges Pandemonium model ? Feature- extraction theory
- Which theory combines the feature extraction theory and template matching ? Marr's computational theory
- What does Marr's computational theory say ? He suggrests the progression through a number of stages until an internal representation of the viewed object is achieved. Think of the different stages. Hint: There are 4 !
- What are the four stages of the Marr's computational theory ? 1) Raw primal sketch 2) 2 1/2 D sketch 3) 3D sketch 4) 3D Sketch can be compared to previously stored information
- Marr's approach was used for which other theory ? Biederman's recognition-by-components approach
- What is a basis on both, Marr's theory and Biederman's theory ? the feature extraction
- To what theory belong "geons" ? Biederman's recognition- by- components approach.
- What are geons ? In Biederman's theory three dimensional features. In comparison to the feature extraction theory, where the features are not assumed to be 3 dimentional.
- The Selfridge's Pandemonium model developed from which theory ? The feature extraction theory. Thats the idea with the demons who shout at each other.
- How many basic geons are there according to Biederman ? 36
- What is the main idea in Biederman's recognition- by- components theory ? He theorizes that we recognize an object by distinguisting the different geons that the object consists of. That is, the 3D features of that object. However, there are some problems with his approach.
- What is the problem with Biederman's approach ? He thinks that we recognize objects by the geons they consist of. That may work out for distinguisting a tree from a house. But how would that enable us to distinguish objects from each other that are only slightly different ?
- What does PDP mean ? Parallel distributed processing
- What are other names for PDP models ? Connectionist or neural network models
- What does the parallel distributed processing ( PDP) approaches say ? They suggest that every object is presented by its own network of cells ( Not only by a single cell) . So two objects that are very similar my, however, elicts some same singles but only a few different cells, what enables us to distinguish them from each other. Thus an object is represented not by the activity of a single cell, but by a pattern of activity across many cells. One cells can form a part of many different networks.
- According to the PDP is one cell only part of one network or part of many differnet networks ? One cell can be part of many differnet networks. That makes it possible that we can discriminate two objects from each other although they may be very similar.
- What is the definition of an illusion ? Something goes wrong with our perception. What we perceive does not match with what the outside world is really like.
- What is responsable for those illusions elicted to cognitive processes ( the most interesting sort of illusion for us) Top down processing
- Explain the Müller- Lyer illusion That illusion belongs to the third type of illusion. Through top down processing, do we use our knowledge about the past and environment to make sense of an object. However, that perception is incongruent with what the real world actually shows.
- Which type of processing is most important in visual illusions ? Top down processing, - the role of knowledge in visual perception.
- What does "knowledge" ( with regard to top down processing) in cognitive psychology mean ? Its the opposite of the information that is included in the stimulus itself. " Information that is not contained within the sensory stimulus".
- On what do we very often rely and what often influences what we do ? Our knowledge
- What seems to be very important in our every day life ? Our knowledge.
- The role of knowledge in perception plays a part in which of the following ? Bottom- up processing Top- down processing ?? Top- down processing.
- What is a sensation ? Raw bottom- up input from the senses.
- Whichone is the subjective experiences of sensations ? A ) Sensation B ) Perception Perception
- Tell something about how perception and sensation work together ! Sensation is the raw material that we perceive. Perception is the subjective experience of the sensations. Perception includes knowledge that is added to the sensation but also not all information that is sensed will be perceived (Some information filtered out by our attentional processes) Only a certain proportion of the information available in the world is detected by the senses.
- Explain Kant's "numena" and "phenomena" ! Numena = Sensation Phenomena = Perception