Strategic Management (Fach) / Turbulence Analysis (Lektion)

Vorderseite Design of aggressinveness and responsiveness of an organization to reach the optimum performance at the individual turbulence levels
  1. Repetitive: Stable, Preserving (Stabil/ Bewahren). e.g. distribute and maintain a budget of the Metropolitan museum of art
  2. Expanding: react on change and follow. e.g. Become cost leader in the copper market
  3. Changing: Anticipatory and intensifying aggressiveness. e.g. introduce a new softdrink in the U.S.
  4. Discontinuos: Enterpreneurial (unternehmenrrisch)/ Disseminating (Ausbreitung). e.g. develop new applications for 3D Smaprtphones
  5. Suprising: Creative/ Generating. e.g. Find a cure for cancer

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