English (Fach) / BE (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 227 Karteikarten


Diese Lektion wurde von shisha4you erstellt.

Lektion lernen

  • The dividend per share divided by the stock price. dividend yield
  • A market for trading U.S. dollars in foreign countries. Eurodollar market
  • A finance company to which businesses sell their accounts receivable, usually for a percentage of the total face value. factor
  • Bonds with interest rates that change with current interest rates otherwise available in the economy. floating-rate bonds
  • The sale of stocks and bonds for corporations. investment banking
  • A special type of higher-interest-rate bond that carries higher inherent risks. junk bonds
  • An arrangement by which a bank agrees to lend a specified amount of money to the organization upon request. line of credit
  • An address, often a commercial bank, at which a company receives payments in order to speed collections from customers. lockbox
  • Production facilities, offices, and equipment—all of which are expected to last for many years. long-term (fixed) assets
  • Debts that will be repaid over a number of years, such as long-term loans and bond issues. long-term liabilities
  • Temporary investments of extra cash by organizations for up to one year: U. S. Treasury bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, or Eurodollar loans. marketable securities
  • Central locations where investors buy and sell securities. organized exchanges
  • A network of dealers all over the country linked by computers, telephones, and teletype machines. over-the-counter (OTC) market
  • The market where firms raise financial capital. primary market
  • The interest rate that commercial banks charge their best customers for shortterm loans. prime rate
  • Earnings after expenses and taxes that are reinvested in the assets of the firm and belong to the owners in the form of equity. retained earnings
  • Stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets where investors can trade their securities with other investors rather than the company that issued the stock or bond. secondary markets
  • Bonds that are backed by specific collateral that must be forfeited in the event that the issuing firm defaults. secured bonds
  • Loans backed by collateral that the bank can claim if borrowers fail to repay them. secured loans
  • The mechanism for buying and selling securities. securities markets
  • A sequence of small bond issues of progressively longer maturity. serial bonds
  • Credit extended by suppliers for the purchase of their goods and services. trade credit
  • Cash kept on hand by a firm to pay bills such as employee wages, supplies, and utilities. transaction balances
  • Short-term debt obligations the U. S. government sells to raise money. Treasury bills (T-bills)
  • Bonds that are not backed by specific collateral; also called debentures. unsecured bonds
  • Loans backed only by the borrower’s good reputation and previous credit rating. unsecured loans
  • The management of short-term (current) assets and liabilities. working capital management