Chanel (Fach) / 6 Channel Power (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 4 Karteikarten
Diese Lektion wurde von fischer123 erstellt.
- Power Def Power is the abilitiy of one channel member A to get another channel member B to do something it otherwise would not have done. -speculative -hypothetical -hp forward shifting of manufacturing
- Power vs Dependence B depends more heavily on A -the greater the utility B gets from A -the fewer alternatives B has -scarcity x utility
- Sources of Power 1 Reward Power: is the capacity to bestow rewards. (Market developement programs) 2 Coercive power: is the capacity to dispense punishment. 3 Expert Power: Influencer has special knowledge that target doesnt possess 4 Legitimate Power: 1. Legal LP: driven by law 2. Traditional LP: driven by norms 5 Referent Power: Influencer is viewed as reference and target wants to be like or seen together with inluencer
- Translating latent power into exercised power - Promise - Threat - Legalistic - Request - Information exchange - Recommendation