Business English (Fach) / Vocabulary 2 (Lektion)

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  • competitive advantage A competitive advantage is what an organization can do better than its competitors.
  • sustainable Being sustainable means being able to continue over a period of time
  • sales forecast A sales forecast are the sales businesses expect to achieve in a particular period of time
  • break-even-point The break-even-point is the point at which total cost and total revenue are equal and the company makes neither a profit nor a loss.
  • turnover/ revenue A turnover/ revenue is the total income received by a business before any expenses are paid.
  • exit strategy An exit strategy is an investor's plan for getting their investment back and potentially realizing a profit
  • founders Founders are people who establish a company or other organisation.
  • staff/ personnel Staff/ personnel are people who are employed in an organisation.
  • dispatch dispatch = send
  • shrink shrink = get smaller
  • dive dive = fall
  • slump slump = fall quickly
  • budge budge = move
  • budge budge = move
  • sustain sustain = keep something functioning
  • stave off stave off = avoid
  • account for account for = form a proportion of
  • surrender surrender = give up
  • stagnate stagnate = stop growing
  • replacement rate A replacement rate is the total fertility rate at which women give birth to enough babies to sustain population levels.
  • retire To retire means to leave one's job due to age.
  • unemployment rate Unemployment rate is the percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work.
  • temporary employment Temporary employment means hiring an employee for a limitetd period of time.
  • wages Wages are fixed regular payments earned for work, typically paid on a monthly basis.
  • social welfare Social welfare is the well-being of an entire society and is concerned with the quality of life.
  • income distribution Income distribution is the national income divided among the population.
  • designer labels Designer labels are famous and prestigious fashion brands.
  • Delivery charge A delivery charge is a  fee paid by the customer for the delivery of a purchased product, collected by the parcel service, the company, or both.
  • shopping mall A shopping mall is a large enclosed shopping area from which traffic is excluded.
  • supermarket chains Supermarket chains are a group of large self-service stores retailing food and owned by only one firm.
  • auction houses An auction house is a company that runs auctions.
  • mail-order catalogue A mail order catalogue is a publication containing a list of general merchandise from a company .
  • Internal recruitment Internal recruitment is when the business looks to fillt he vacancy from its existing workforce.
  • External recruitment External recruitment is when the business looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable applicant outside the business.
  • What are the four most popular ways of recruiting ... Job centres => These are paid for by the government and are responsible for helpiung the unemployes find jobs or get training. They also provide Job advertisements => most common form of external recruitment. ...
  • What are the advantages of internal recruitment? Save costs: training, advertising Save time: induction Candidate is familiar with company ó company knows candidate Promotion motivates Sideways move
  • What are the disadvantages of internal recruitment? ... Vacancy must be filled No new ideas, innovations Narrow choice of candidates Envy/ disrespect of collegues
  • What are the advantages of external recruitment? Wider selection of candid New input, influence Candidates have more experience Dynamic leadership High acceptance by collegues
  • What are the disadvantages of external recruitment? ... Wider selection of candidates Resistence Takes more time More expensive Pay higher salary Questionable loyalty Unknown aspects of candidate