Semantic Theories (Fach) / Interpretive Semantics (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 5 Karteikarten

Katz & Fodor

Diese Lektion wurde von anipanni erstellt.

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  • Interpretive semantics... ... associated with generative transformational grammar (Chomsky's Standard Theory) -core ideas developed by Katz and Fodor - significance of the relation of grammar (syntax, morphology, phonology) and semantics - map semantics onto syntax: to get from word meanings to structural meanings - define the domain of semantics by defining which phenomena ought to be described by a semantic theory - a semantic theory should also include a description of the interpretative competence of a native speaker: -> the competence to determine the number and the content of readings of a sentence, the competence to identify semantic anomalies, the competence to identify paraphrases
  • Katz and Fodor.. exclude extra-linguistic  contexts and settings from the domain of semantics -> meanings of sentences for which extra-linguistic knowledge is necessary, can't be described by a semantic theory: e.g.: "Our store sells alligator shoes/horse shoes" "Should we take the bus/ the lion back to the zoo"
  • 1. Semantics can be defined as.. 2. components of a semantic theory are... 1. Linguistic description minus grammar equals semantics 2. the dictionary, a system of rules called "projection rules" distinguishers describe the specific meaning that can't be subdivided into smaller systematic components projection rules operate on grammatical descriptions and on lexical entries; it is their function to derive interpreted grammatical descriptions - grammatical descriptions Katz and Fodor refer to are closed associated with Chomsky's Standard Theory
  • Model of grammar in Chomsky's Standard Theory the Phrase Structure Rules generate Deep Structures of sentences into which lexical items with their individual specifications are inserted. -> input to the Semantic Component and input to the Transformational Component. Output is the surface structure, which is the input to the phonological component
  • Interpretive semantics means that the syntactic structures are there first and then get interpreted by amalgamating the meanings of lexical items bottom up until finally the whole structure of a sentence is interpreted.