Data, Models and Decisions (Fach) / Framework for the development of DSS (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 10 Karteikarten

Examine the alternative views of DSS, present a framework that proves valuable and reconciling them.

Diese Lektion wurde von hannemac erstellt.

Lektion lernen

  • EDP focus on data, storage, processing scheduling and optimized computer runs summary reports for management
  • MIS focus on information (middle of the managers) structured information flow inquiry and report generation, usally with a database
  • DSS focus on decisions (top managers, decision makers) emphasis on flexibility, adaptability and quick response user-initiated, user-controlled support for the personal decision making style of individual managers
  • specific DSS It's an information systems "application", but with characteristics that make it significantly different from a typical data processsing application.
  • DSS generator It's a "package" of related hardware and software which provides a set of capabilities to quickly and easily build a specific DSS.
  • DSS tools It's hardware or software elements which facilitate the development of a specific DSS or a DSS generator.
  • capabilities a DSS must have database management software (DBMS) model base management software (MBMS) dialogue generation and management software (DGMS)
  • DSS component: database external data (economic data) internal data (operational data) key capabilities: combine a variety of data sources add and delete data sources quickly manage data with management functions
  • DSS component: model base stategic models tactical models operational models model building blocks and subroutines key capabilities: create new models quickly and easily catalog and maintain a wide range of models access and integrate model "building blocks" manage the model base with management functions
  • DSS component: user system interface the action language (what the user can do in communication with the system) the display or representation language (wht the users sees) the knowledge base (what users must know) key capabilities: handle a variety of dialogue style accommodata users actions in a variety of media present data in a variety of formats and media provide flexibile support for the user's knowledge base