Englisch (Fach) / Meine Vokabel (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 63 Karteikarten
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- accessory a belt, Somethink that is not part of main clothing
- appearance erscheinen, She has a very smart appearance.
- inconsiderate rücksichtslos
- outgoing mitteilsam
- reputation Ruf
- mature reif
- down-to-earth realistisch , praktisch
- competitive konkurrierend
- outspoken freimütik, offen
- determined entschlossen
- calculating berechnent
- mean geizig.
- moody launisch
- beware of Acht geben auf
- insecurity Unsicherheit
- significance Bedeutung, Tragweite
- precarious unsicher
- skimpy knapp, dh. zu kurz/eng
- unprotective keinen schutz bietend
- straightforwardness Offenheit, Ehrlichkeit
- a tribe Voksstamm
- seemingly scheinbar
- lingerie Damenunterwäsche
- an adornment Schmuck, Verzierungen
- to get slotted zusammengefasst
- evident offensichtlich
- flunctuating wechselnd
- value wert
- to defy change sich am Wandel wiedersetzen
- starched gestärkt
- ridiculous lächerlcih
- embarrassing unangenehm, peinlcih
- to copy kopieren
- lice läuse
- fastidious anspruchsvoll
- neat sauber, gepflegt. My desk is always neat and tidy.
- polite höflich she is a very polite to me.
- efficient tüchtigg He is very efficient in his job
- convenient günstig What time will be convenient?
- comfortable bequem This chair is really comfortable
- attractive anziehend. attraktiv She is a very attractive woman.
- staff belegschaft. The staff there are very helpful
- to be croweded überfüllt sein In the mornig the buses are croweded.
- the law das Gesetz You must respect the law.
- honest ehrlcih I´ll be quiet honest with you.
- nuclear power Atomkraft Many people are opposed to nuclear power.
- fattening dich machend Fast food is fattening.
- chess schach. can you play chess.#
- an invention. erfindung The dishwasher is a woderful invention.
- average temperature durchschnittstemperatur what is the average temperature in summer.