Soziologie (Fach) / Definitionen (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 36 Karteikarten


Diese Lektion wurde von Bene001 erstellt.

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  • Functionalism Manifest Functions Latent Functions Functionalism:  Social groups are functioning units with each smaller part of affecting the larger whole.  Manifest Functions:  The obvious or intend consequences of a social system.              ...
  • Conflict Theory Society is composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for source resources -          Women gets stronger, increase equality   -          Different barrier to entry, different ...
  • Symbolic Interactionism Society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world and communicate with one another.   -          Classroom, nobody sits on teachers ...
  • Feminist Theory Builds on aspects of conflict theory and symbolic interactionism to focus on gender and the connections between gender, race and social class. -          Study about kids, housewife’s they ...
  • Social Structure The enduring pattered relationships between various elements of society, outside of our immediate reach and beyond our individual control. 
  • Human Agency The actions of individuals or groups in society
  • Structuration The two way process by which we shape our social world through our individual actions and by which we are shaed by social structures
  • The Sociological Imagination C. Wright Mills The abilty to look past individual actions to understand the relationship between human agency and social structure
  • Blaming the victim Stating that the differencce that arise between the victims of a social problem and others are the cause of the social problem itself, affecting the way we attempt to solve social problems
  • Anomie The strain put on a individuals behavior when accepted values (dating) conflict with the means for achieving them (having strict family). This strain can lend to devient behavior
  • Conformist Accepts both generally held values and the conventional means of achieving them, whether or not they are successful.  Amusementpark when youre just not as tall as you should be 
  • Innovator Accepts socially approved values but uses illegitimate or illegal means, to achieve them.  Bsp: I wear the shoes because of the bigger sole, so that i'm tall enough to go on the ride. 
  • Rebel Rejects both the socially approved values and the means to achieve them, but also replaces the values and means to achieve them with now ones as a way to reconstruct the social system.  I don't want ...
  • Race A social constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider distinctive and important. 
  • Ethnic Group A group with unique cultural traits, a sense of community (a "we" feeling among members) and ascribed membership (acquired at birth).   
  • Prejudice Holding preconceived ideas about a person or group to "pre-judge" can be either positive or negative. 
  • Discrimination Behavior that denies the members of a group resources or rewards available to others. 
  • Racism The belief that, on the basis of their genetic inheritance some groups are superior to others. Used to justify the unequal distribution of a societys rewards
  • Institutional Racism Patterns of discrimination based on race that have become part of the social practics and institutions (established organizations) of society. 
  • Stigma A negative label that greatly changes a persons self-concept and social identity
  • Self-Fulfilling-Prophecy When labels applied to people lead them to act in ways that confirm the label
  • Deviance Nonconformity to norms that are accepted by the majority of society. These norms can differ depending on time and place. 
  • Labeling Theory A theory stating that people and acts are deviant because they are defined as deviand by others
  • Differential Association People are socialized into deviance and learn to be deviant from family and peers. 
  • Total Institution A place where people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time while the institution regulates and controls all activities.   
  • Degradation Ceremony An attempt to remake the person by the strripping away his/her current identity and replacing it with a new one 
  • Medical model of deviance Argues that deviant behavior is cuased by some internal condition, such as an imbalance of hormones in the brain that can be prevented with medical treatment. 
  • White Collar Crime Crime commited by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his or her occupation
  • Mandatory Minimum Sentences Laws that require offenders to spend time in jail for at least a certain number of years, often used for drug sentencing   -Eliminiates Judical Discretion 
  • Relative Depriviation The discontentment that people feel when they compare their situations to similar others who are better of 
  • Social change Change in social structures over time
  • Social movements Large numbers of people who organize to promote or resist social change
  • Recruitment through networks When people are recruited to social movements through preexisting networks with current movement members
  • Frame Alignement The interactive Process in which movement leaders frame, or define their movements in a way that reaches potential followers and motivates them to join the movement. 
  • Power The ability to realize one's will, even if others resist it
  • The Power Elite The leaders of the three domains of power (Military, economic and politcal) in America who make decisions that have national or international consequences.