Präsentation (Fach) / A380 (Lektion)

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Diese Lektion wurde von felicity2001 erstellt.

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  • Wo stehen wir zeitlich how much longer will it take? 2 Punkte completion - pilots´qualifications
  • completion The first Airbus A380, Lufthansas future flagship is nearing completion. Everything works perfectly. In Hamburg-Finkenwerder, until the end of the year, the interior fittings of the cabin will be installed. 
  • wie viele kommen 2010 In total Lufthansa has ordered fifteen A380 aircraft and Airbus hopes to deliver four of these in the next year.
  • Lufthansa inspectors Lufthansa inspectors oversee the construction progress of all components from the first day onwards. 
  • Pilots´qualifications Lufthansa is training some 120 pilots to fly the A380. All are experienced pilots used to flying an A340
  • A340 family The A340 is the aircraft family that most closely resembles the A380. The pilots who have flown other Airbus aircraft will benefit from the family concept. All Airbus models are remarkably similar and the only differences between cockpits are brought about by advancements in technology. 
  • how are they being trained The pilots train in a simulator with an integrated A380 cockpit. 
  • employment Each of the 15 A380 employs around 400 people in the cockpit, cabin, maintenance, catering, operations and operational planning for each of the wide-body aircraft. 
  • wie sehe ich die Einführung? I am very curious and I am looking forward to the introduction of the A380. For the crews it will be a change and a challenge to work within a team of ????? Flight attendants. They will have the opportunity to work with the latest technology within the cabin. 
  • Now ... I will be happy to answer your questions - if you have some?