Englisch Linguistik (Fach) / Definitionen (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 88 Karteikarten

Definitionen Lingu 1

Diese Lektion wurde von Luisa15Stender erstellt.

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  • Morph Concrete realization of a morpheme
  • Allomorphs Two or more variants of a morpheme
  • Neologisms Open Classes Nouns Vers Adjectives Adverbs
  • Neologisms Cosed Classes Determiners Pronouns Prepositions Conjunctions
  • Endocentric Compounds Have a head Have the same category and semantic type as the head breast pocket -> type of pocket
  • Exocentric Compounds Lack a head Are not of the category or semantic type of either of their elements pickpocket -> person who picks pockets (not an actual pocket!)
  • Conversion Assigning an already existing word to a new syntactic category (model -> N/ADJ/V)
  • Blends Words formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two already existing words (Combining parts: breakfast+lunch= brunch; Combining a whole word with a part of another: electronic+mail= email)
  • Clipping Shortening of a plysyllabic word by the dropping of some phonological material Frontclipping: weblog-> blog; telephone->phone; internet->net Backclipping: professor-> prof; doctor->doc; borther->bro
  • Backformation creating a new word (category) by removing actual or supposed affixes resurrection N-> resurrect V backformation N -> backform V television N -> televise V
  • Acronyms Words formed from the initials of a group of words that designate one concept; pronounced as a word Personal Identification Number PIN
  • Initialism Words formed from the initials of a group of words that designate one concept; pronounced letter by letter Digital Versatile Disk DVD United Stated of America USA Best Friends Forever BFF
  • Onomatopoeia imitative of natural sounds or have meanings that are associated with such sounds in nature moo Cow's voice bow-wow Dogs bark cockadoodle-doo Noise a rooster makes
  • Coinage Invention of totally new terms Aspirin, Nylon, Google, Kleenex
  • Eponyms Words that are derived from proper names of individuals and places sandwich robot jumbo hoover
  • Verbs inflect for: Person, number, gender Tense Mood Voice Aspect Verbal infelctional paradigms -> Conjugation
  • Nouns inflect for: Number Case Gender Nominal infelctional paradigms-> Declension
  • Case changes a word's form to indicate its grammatical role (he vs him)
  • Agreement changes a word's form to match certain grammatical properties of another word (she speaks vs they speak)
  • Internal change Vowel alternations that indicate grammatical contrasts sing->sang (Ablaut); tooth->teeth (Umlaut)
  • Suppletion Replacing a morpheme with an entirely different morpheme go->went
  • Reduplication Repetition of a morpheme or part of a morpheme anak = child -> anak anak =children (Indonesian)
  • Tone Placement Changing the placement of tone to mark grammatical contrast dá=spanked ->dà=will spank (Mono-Bili)
  • Cliticisation Attaching morphemes that cannot stand on their own to a hos Enclitics: attach to the end of their host (you're) Procilitcs: attach to the beginng of their host (t'aime)
  • Morphological Ideal One form(morpheme)-> one function
  • Cumulation When a single affix expresses more than one property within a word, the affix cumulates those properties walk-s -> s marks person and number
  • Syncretism A single word form correspondes to two grammatical words -ed marks past tense and participle
  • Allomorphy Allomorphs are variants of the same morpheme Phonologically conditioned -al in national (schwa+l) vs nationality (ae+l) Lexically conditioned ox ->oxen (the plural allomorph -en)
  • Extended Exponence One inflectional property is expressed by the combination of two exponents driven-> i and en show extended exponence of the past participle in English - en is the principle exponent of past participle - i is the partial exponent of past participle
  • intransitive verbs one-place predicate
  • transitive verbs two-place preicates
  • ditransitive verbs three-place predicates
  • Coordination Put constituent in coordination construction
  • Movement Move constituent around in sentence with minimal change in meaning
  • Substitution Replacement of a constituent with another (single word) constituent
  • Sentence fragments Put constituent in fragmentary respone
  • Ellipsis Deletion of constituent
  • Clefting Put constituent in cleft construction