Projektmanagement (Fach) / Advanced (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 40 Karteikarten

unisa pm course questions

Diese Lektion wurde von sodikama erstellt.

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  • New Venture Strategic Decisions? Partners / Stakeholders? Legal Status? LLC? Product or Service? Degree of Integration (Make or Buy) Market Positioning?  Competitors? What technologies? RnD necessary? First mover or follower? 
  • Make or buy? +/- MAKE +independency +keeping secrets +no supplier profit margin -investment needed -increased risk BUY: -prices might change -supplier profit margin +easy and quick +shared risk
  • Feasibility Analysis steps? Business idea -> Market Analysis -> Technical Analysis - > Economic Analysis -> Financial Analysis I-MTEF
  • Market Analysis? Qualitative Analysis (Concept) Quantitative Analysis (Seasonality) Offer Analysis of Competition
  • Output of Market Analysis Volume, Variability , Range and Specification Volume and Range decide about Project or Continuous Business
  • Technical Analysis? First mover vs Follower Flowshop vs Jobshop Product Cycle Time Process Dimensioning
  • Flow Shop vs Job Shop Fast vs Slow Cycle low vs high manpower homogenous quality vs non-homogenous high vs low plant utilization low vs high flexibility high vs low investment high vs low obscolence slow adapting vs fast new ...
  • Economical Analysis? Verify if business can generate a profit Cost classification: Fixed vs variable cost, operating cost fixed capital vs working capital Break even analysis for income statement Profitability analysis: ROI, ...
  • Financial Analysis`? Evaluation of Investments  Verify if money can cover disbursements BUT: With sequence of cashflows, independent from inventory, temporarily distributed Discounting vs Capitalisation Fn = Fo * (1+i)^n ...
  • Deeper Financial Analysis? NPV, PBP, IRR
  • Financial Provision? Dealflow : 3F<Bid to investors>venture capitalist>private equity comps> IPO>public Risk Capital and Debt Equity Networking Capital: fixed assets, inventory and liquidity vs equity, liablilites (longterm/current) ...
  • Crowd Funding what is it? What 4 types of funding ... Funding a project over the internet by presenting it and collecting money from a large group of people. Equity LEnding Rewards Donation 2 Approaches of when you receive money
  • What defines a project? unique temporary team gone afterwards Scope - Time - Cost
  • 7 Steps for successful Management 1. Identification 2. Definition 3.PLanning 4. Organizing, Ressource allocation 5. Scheduling 6. Controlling 7.Termination
  • When selling a project, what needs to be explained? ... executive summary + introduction description performance measures conclusions remember: the higher the level of manangement , the less details and the more focus on global aspects
  • Project Life Cycle? Concept - Design - Implementation - Commission Cost of changes might increase with every step -> define milestones in contract
  • WBS? subdividing scope of work into managable packages quantifying the scope deliverables are packages, not acivity lists ! 
  • 8/80 Rule? Work Package should never have less than 8 or more than 80 hours to be controlled efficiently
  • WBS Steps? Topdown when new, bottom up when not. 1) list of deliverables are level 1 2) decompose logically distinct parts till appropriate level of details 3) lowest level are celearly named acitivitys with 1 ...
  • Advantages of WBS 1.)  identify        A who and what objectives?       B scheme of small goals to reach higher one       C  interactions between elements       D Working Packages for assiging resources ...
  • PERT Rules no circuits only one activity between 2 nodes critical nodes dont say anything about critical acvitiies
  • Event Analysis? Identify critical activities by calculating duration of project, eots and slack.
  • Resource load diagramm? shows if you have resources to finish project in time advancement curve possible after it
  • Schedule steps? 1. Start with WBS List 2. Calculate PERT Nodes 3. Calculate EOT and LOT , Slack and minimum total Project time  4. Visualize with GANT Diagramm and Resource-Load-Diagramm 5. Perfom more analysis like ...
  • Stochastic PERT why? to control activites with high standard deviation in case they become critical you need to calculate probability of failure for every activity ACWP BCWP BCWS
  • Critical Path Method? The Method does a Calculation of trade-off between time and cost (dC/dT) - you compare individual versions of the critical path -you iterate until you find the path with minimum cost and time of execution. ...
  • Controlling is? Monitoring and Steering of a Project Cost Account Use Control Graphs with parameters to monitor and adapat strategy
  • 6 Ways to measure earned value 1 Equivalent Units 2 0-100 3 50-50 4 Percentual Completion 5 Level of Effort 6 Milestones
  • Risk Management Steps 1 Identify Risk 2 List of possible Risks 3 Cluster and Classify Risks 4 Control them
  • Types of Risk Financial Risk Market Risk Production Risk Tech Risk
  • 4 Strategies to deal with risk 1) Transfer it to someone else 2) Reduce it by prevention or protection 3) Accept it  4) Remove it completely
  • Contingency +10% at least to use if quickly and freely C = expected value of resources needed * unit cost Contingency = k * deviation * C
  • contingency strats aggressive: use immediately passive: use after a threshold
  • Financial Structure Debth capital ration can only increase if operating cash flow is higher than debt service Main cover rations: Debt Service Cover Ratio - DSCR Loan Life Cover Ratio - LLCR they need to be 1.4 - 1.6 for ...
  • Net Working Capital is ? NWC = Liquidity + Non-liquid Assets - current liabilities the capability to cope with shortterm financial commitments using resources
  • Structure Margin is ? SM = Equity - Fixed Assets the capability to cover fixed assets with own resources (equity)
  • Cash Margin is ? CM = Liquidity - Current Liabilities it points out eventual shortterm financial tension
  • 1 ) synonym for your own equity? 2) synonym for your ... 1) Net Worth 2) Inventory 3) Loans
  • Financial Needs for new ventures? Sequence? disbursements for -building plants and other company structures -working capital to launch operations - support growing phase Business Idea > Feasibility Study > Execution > Launch > Sales > Consolidation ...
  • What is a B.O.T Project? A project that doesn't get a commercial return but has a special-purpose-vehicle (SPV) ,  for example a social cause as a return.