Tauchen (Fach) / Advanced Open Water Diver - OWD Review (Lektion)

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Advanced Open Water Diver

Diese Lektion wurde von Mandalay376 erstellt.

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  • You should equalize your ears and other air spaces while descending - only when you feel discomfort. - approximately every meters/few feet before you feel discomfort. approximately every meters/few feet before you feel discomfort.
  • If you feel discomfort in your ears while descending, ascend until the discomfort is gone, attempt to equalize again and continue a slow descent if successful. Never continue a descent if you can't equalize. - True - False True
  • The most important rule of scuba diving is: Breathe continuously and never hold your breath: - True - False True
  • If you feel discomfort during ascent due to air expansion in a body air space - slow or stop your ascent and give the trapped air time to work its way out. - continue ascending: the air will force an escape path. slow or stop your ascent and give the trapped air time to work its way out.
  • If you begin shivering underwater, increase your activity to warm up. - True - False False
  • If you become overexerted underwater: - stop, breathe and rest. - swim quickly to the surface and signal for assistance. stop, breathe and rest.
  • Planning a dive should include (check all that apply): 1. what to do in an emergency. 2. maximum time and depth limits. 3. a review of communication procedures 1, 2, 3
  • If you and your buddy lose contact, the general recommendation is - search for no more than a minute, then reunite at the surface. - search for no more than 15 minutes, then reunite at the surface. search for no more than a minute, then reunite at the surface.
  • If caught in a current and exhausted at the surface when boat diving, you should signal for assistance and establish buoyancy, then rest and catch your breath while waiting to get picked up. - True - False True
  • Which of the following reduce the chance of accidental injury by an acquatic animal (check all that apply)? 1. Never tease or intentionally disturb an animal. 2. Never look under a rock outcropping. 3. Move slowly and carefully, watching wher 1, 3, 4
  • If you accidentally become entangled, you should: - inflate your BCD so you pull free. - avoid turning and struggling, and work slowly and carefully to free yourself. avoid turning and struggling, and work slowly and carefully to free yourself.
  • You help avoid underwater problems by diving within the limits of your experience and training. - True - False True
  • If you were to run out of air at 10 metres / 33 feet and your buddy were not immediately available, your best option would be - to make a buoyant emergency ascent. - to make a controlled emergency swimming ascent. to make a controlled emergency swimming ascent.
  • Unless local laws or regulations state differently, you should stay within ___ of a dive flag, and boaters and water skiers should stay ___ away from it. - 15 m / 50 ft // 30 - 60 m / 100 - 200 ft - 8 m / 25 ft // 15 - 30 m / 50 - 100 ft 15 m / 50 ft // 30 - 60 m / 100 - 200 ft
  • You prevent problems with contaminated air primarily by having your cylinders filled only by reputable professional dive operations - True - False True
  • If you feel the effects of nitrogen narcosis, you should - ascend to a shallower depth. - slow your ascent until they pass. ascend to a shallower depth.
  • To prevent nitrogen narcosis - avoid deep dives. - descend slowly. avoid deep dives.
  • Exceeding established depth and / or time limits can produce ___ on ascent, which causes decompression sickness. - bubbles in body tissues. - blood circulation to the skin. bubbles in body tissues.
  • Signs and symptoms of decompression sickness include (check all that apply): 1. numbness and tingling. 2. euphoria. 3. pain, often in the joints and limbs. 1, 3
  • A diver suspected of decompression sickness should - wait six hours before diving again. - stop diving, breathe emergency oxygen and seek emergency medical care. stop diving, breathe emergency oxygen and seek emergency medical care.
  • First aid for decompression sickness and lung overexpansion injuries include preventing and treating for shock, administering oxygen and if necessary, CPR: - True - False True
  • Dive table and dive computers - apply a mathematical model to determine theoretical dive time limits. - read the actual amount of nitrogen in your body. apply a mathematical model to determine theoretical dive time limits.
  • Avoid the maximum limits of your dive tables or computers because - you're more likely to run out of air. - people vary in their susceptibility to decompression sickness. people vary in their susceptibility to decompression sickness.
  • "No decompression" or "no stop" diving means - you never run out of air. - that you plan dives with dives tables and computers so you can make a direct ascent to the surface if necessary. that you plan dives with dives tables and computers so you can make a direct ascent to the surface if necessary.
  • When making a repetetive dive, it's necessary to account for excess nitrogen still in your body from a previous dive - True - False True
  • The "formal" definition of bottom time is - from beginning of descent to the beginning of a direct ascent to the safety stop / surface. - from the time you reach the bottom until the time you reach the surface. from beginning of descent to the beginning of a direct ascent to the safety stop / surface.
  • If planning three or more dives in a day with the RDP, if your ending pressure group after the second dive is Y, you should wait at least ___ hour(s) before all subsequent dives. - 1 - 3 3
  • After a dive to 18 metres / 60 feet for 30 minutes followed by a 30 minute surface interval and a repetitive dive to 16 metres / 50 feet for 28 minutes, your ending pressure group would be - R - P - O - T R
  • After a dive to 17 metres / 56 feet for 42 minutes, followed by a 42 minute surface interval and a repetitive dive to 17 metres / 56 feet for 29 minutes, your ending pressure group would be - X - T - V - U V
  • A safety stop is a pause at ___ for ___. - 5 m / 15 ft // 3 or more minutes - 3 m / 10 ft // 1 minute 5 m / 15 ft // 3 or more minutes
  • Always make a safety stop if (check all that apply): 1. you dive to 30 metres / 100 feat or deeper 2. you dive in low visibility. 3. your ending pressure group comes within three pressure groups of a no decompression limit. 1, 3
  • If you accidentally exceed a no decompression limit by less than five minutes when using the RDP - slowly ascend to 5 metres / 15 feet and make an eight minute stop prior to surfacing, then discontinue diving for at least six hours. - ascent di slowly ascend to 5 metres / 15 feet and make an eight minute stop prior to surfacing, then discontinue diving for at least six hours.
  • If you accidentally exceed a no decompression limit by more than five minutes using the RDP, slowly ascend to 5 metres / 15 feet and make a stop prior surfacing for no less than 15 minutes (air supply permitting), then discontinue diving for at least True
  • In cold water or under strenuous conditions, plan your dive with the RDP as thought it were - 4 m / 10 ft shallower than actual - 4 m / 10 ft deeper than actual 4 m / 10 ft deeper than actual