Englisch (Fach) / Oxford 3000 A (Lektion)

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Alle Wörter mit dem Buchstaben A aus dem Oxford 3000

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  • abandon v. aufgeben Despite great difficulties, the team did not abandon the mission.
  • abroad adv. im Ausland Our company has branch offices abroad.
  • absence n. Fehlen Nobody noticed my absence at work today.
  • absent adj. abwesend Absent members are not allowed to vote.
  • abuse n. , v. Missbrauch, missbrauchen The abuse of alcohol can cause serious problems. An honest politician would never abuse his power.
  • accident n. Unfall The disregard of traffic signs can lead to accidents. He was not involved in the accident.
  • accidental adj. versehentlich The news agency regretted the accidental reporting error.
  • accompany v. begleiten I need to go the bank anyway, I will accompany you part of the way.
  • accroding to prep. nach, gemäß Everything is going according to plan. According to governing law, the action was not illegal.
  • accurate adj. akkurat, genau, präzise With this instrument you can get very accurate measurements. We need accurate figures with two digits after the decimal point.
  • achieve v. erreichen Together we can achieve more than alone.
  • acquire v. erwerben He acquired many of his skills at university.
  • across adv., prep. gegenüber, quer durch The shop extends across three floors. I swam across the river.
  • act n., v. Handlung, handel We have to act now, the situation is serious.
  • action, take action n. Aktion, Handlung, Maßnahme ergreifen The company had to take action to avoid further complications. The teams are planning a joint action to promote sports.
  • actual adj. actually adv. tatsächlich The actual travel time might be longer. The speaker's absence is a problem, actually.
  • ad, advertisement n. Anzeige, Werbespot I bought a car through an ad in the paper.
  • adapt v. anpassen, umstellen I have adapted to the desert climate. After the move, the family had to adapt to their new surroundings.
  • addition n. Ergänzung The glossary is a useful addition to the article.
  • additional adj. zusätzlich, ergänzend Additional information can be found on the website.
  • adequate adj. angemessen I finally received an adequate answer to my question.
  • adjust v. anpassen I had to adjust my daily routine to my new job.
  • admiration n. Bewunderung The huge monument inspires awe and deep admiration.
  • admire v. bewundern I admire his feel for music.
  • admit v. zugeben The suspect admitted to the theft.
  • adopt v. annehmen Paragraph 7 was adopted unanimously by vote.
  • advantage n. Vorteil His knowledge of Chinese is a significant advantage in his job search.
  • advertise v. advertisement n. werben, Werbung The company advertises through leaflets and posters.
  • advice n. Rat, Ratschlag The consulting firm offers excellent advice.
  • advise v. beraten, empfehlen The sales assistant answered my questions and was able to advise me.
  • affair n. Angelegenheit It is better not to interfere in the affairs of others.
  • affect v. beeinflussen Coffee affects my ability to concentrate.
  • affection n. Zuneigung She showed her affection by bringing many presents.
  • afford v. sich [Akk] leisten I can finally afford a better car.
  • afterward (also afterwards) adv. danach, anschließend