In dieser Lektion befinden sich 25 Karteikarten

6. SJ.

Diese Lektion wurde von estoffel erstellt.

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  • Retikulozytär-abszedierende Lymphadenitis 1. Basophile Nekrosezonen durchsetzt von neutrophilen Granulozyten (abszedierende Entzündung) 2. Demarkierung der Abszesse durch palisadenförmig angeordnete epitheloide Histiozyten (heller Randwall ...
  • Sarcoidosis Multisystem disorder characterized by non-caseating granulomatous inflammation. - Most common among African-American females T cells and macrophages get attracted to a specific spot (most likely hilar ...
  • Langhans giant cell - Differential The multi nucleated giant cells (Langhans type) originate from fused epithelioid cells (macrophages). They are part of epithelioid cell granulomas. These are found for example in infectious diseases such ...
  • Differential diagnosis of granulomatous disease Sarcoidosis- Non-caseating granuloma- Giant cells Tuberculosis (TB)- Caseating granulomas- Polynuclear Langhans giant cells, epithelioid macrophages, and lymphocytes- Acid-fast M. tuberculosis Hodgkin's ...
  • Sarkoidose 1. Wenig erhaltenes Lymphknotengewebe 2. Granulome aus Epitheloidzellen (längsovale Kerne). 3. Riesenzellen.- Gelegentlich Schaumann-Körper (Kalkkörper)- Gelegentlich Asteroid-Körper (Sterne) 4. Perigranulomatöse ...
  • Miliartuberkulose 1. Milzstruktur erkennbar an periarteriolären Lymphscheiden 2. Hyperämie der roten Pulpa 3. Zahlreiche, teilweise zentral verkäsende epitheloid-riesenzellige Granulome 4. Intrazelluläre Vermehrung ...
  • Tuberculosis Common infectious disease (2 billion people infected worldwide) that is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and typically affects the lungs.- Countries with the highest incidence: India, Indonesia, ...
  • Hodgkin lymphoma Malignant lymphoma that is typically of B-cell origin. - Bimodal distribution (1st peak: 25-30 years, 2nd peak: 50-70 years)- Male predominance, except in nodular sclerosing type Etiology:- Association ...
  • Hodgkin lymphoma - Subgroups Differentiates between classical (95%) and lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (5%). Classical Hodgkin lymphoma: Do not express CD45 or CD20, express CD15 and CD301. Nodular sclerosing- Most common ...
  • Hodgkin-Lymphom, nodulär-sklerosierend 1. Lymphknoten durchzogen von aus der Kapsel einstrahlenden Kollagenfaserbünden 2. Lacunarzellen (CD15, CD30 positiv) 3. Reed-Sternbergzelle mit spiegelbildlich angeordneten Kernen. 3. Mischzellinfiltrat ...
  • Hodgkin Lymphom, Mischzelltyp 1. Zerstörte Lymphknotenarchitektur. 2. Zahlreiche einkernige Hodgkinzellen und mehrkernige Reed-Sternbergzellen mit vergrösserten eosinophilen Nukleolen. 3. Gemischtes reaktives Infiltrat aus nicht ...
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic neoplasm and make up approx. 85% of lymphomas. Etiology: - Chromosomal translocations; most commonly t(14;18)- Infections: EBV, HIV, HTLV-1, HCV, Helicobacter ...
  • Mediastinal mass 1. Thymoma 2. Teratoma (and other germ cell tumors) 3. Thyroid neoplasm 4. Terrible lymphoma
  • Follicular lymphoma - Most common low-grade lymphoma in adults - Slowly progressive, painless lymphadenopathy of alternating size (“waxing and waning”) and splenomegaly - Translocation t(14,18): heavy-chain Ig (14) and ...
  • Follikuläres Non-Hodgkin Lymphom (zentroblastisch-zentrozytisch) ... 1. Zerstörung der Lymphknotenarchitektur. 2. Dichtstehende monotone neoplastische Follikel in Rinde und Mark (follikuläres Wachstumsmuster). 3. Monotone Follikelzentren bestehend aus kleinen Zentrozyten, ...
  • Diffus grosszelliges Non-Hodgkin Lymphom 1. Zerstörung der Lymphknotenarchitektur durch diffuses Lymphominfiltrat 2. Einzelzelle mit basophilem Zytoplasma und grossem, zentralem Nucleolus (Immunoblasten) bzw. doppeltem, randständigem Nucleolus ...
  • Hairy cell leukemia - More common in middle-aged men - Similar in appearance to CLL (associated with a better prognosis) Symptoms:- Symptomatic cytopenia - Massive splenomegaly dominates- No lymphadenopathy- Rarely B symptoms- ...
  • Multiple myeloma Malignant plasma cell dyscrasia characterized by uncontrolled proliferation and the diffuse infiltration of monoclonal plasma cells in the bone marrow.- Multiple myeloma: diffuse infiltration of the bone ...
  • Plasmazellmyelom 1. Knochenmarkstanze mit nodulärer Hyperzellularität des blutbildenden Marks. 2. In den hyperzellulären Arealen dichte Rasen neoplastischer atypischer Plasmazellen.- Die Plasmazellen sind polymorph, ...
  • Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Malignant neoplastic disease that arises from or myeloid cell lines. - Peak incidence: 65 years- 80% of acute leukemias during adulthood are myelogenous Etiology:- Environmental: Benzene, ionizing radiation, ...
  • Acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) Malignant neoplastic diseases that arise from lymphoid cell lines. - Peak incidence: 2–5 years- Most common malignant disease in children- M > F Etiology:- Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is linked to ...
  • Akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) 1. Ausgeprägte Hyperzellularität (>20% Blasten) mit kompletter Verdrängung des blutbildenden Marks und des Fettmarks (packed marrow). 2. Mittelgrosse Myeloblasten (12-20 μm) mit grossen rundlichen ...
  • Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) Part of the myeloproliferative disorders.Malignancy of the hematopoietic stem cells with excessive proliferation of the myeloid lineage (especially granulocytes). Peak incidence: 50–60 years Reciprocal ...
  • Lymphadenopathy - Differential - HIV- Mycobacterial infection (e.g., tuberculosis)- Infectious mononucleosis- Systemic lupus erythematodes Signs of malignancy: - Rapid growth- Painlessness- Hardness/coarseness- Fixed to underlying ...
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Low-grade B-cell lymphoma with lymphocytic leukocytosis.- Median age at diagnosis: 70-72 years - Most common type of leukemia in adults Classification: Rai staging system- Stage 0: Isolated lymphocytosis- ...