Englisch (Fach) / Vok 2 (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 37 Karteikarten
Diese Lektion wurde von LKengq1 erstellt.
Diese Lektion ist leider nicht zum lernen freigegeben.
- to weep to cry
- drill bohren / strenge Ausbildung
- substratum layer of sth. (rock , earth) that is below another layer
- to preserve erhalten
- vanity to much pride in your own abilities and achievements / Eitelkeit
- mollusk Weichtier
- to spoil become bad, change sth. good into sth. bad
- to acquire erwerben
- to comply obey, erfüllen nachgeben
- to hesitate zögern
- to countenance sth. approve sth. / back sth. up (etwas gutheißen)
- innately without thinking, instinctively
- slaughter sb. kill sb. violently (abschlachten)
- scatter sth. etwas verteilen verstreuen
- boot sth. up start a computer by loading its operating (hochfahren)
- notion concept, idea
- favor sb. treat sb. better than others (bevorzugen)
- troop Truppen
- bias a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgement (Vorurteil)
- delinquent adolescent criminal teenager
- outrage strong feeling of shock and anger
- to mug sb. to attack sb. in order to steal sth. from them
- empathize with sb. sensitive to and understand sb.'s feelings, experiences etc.
- alien strange, frightening
- mobster member of a group of people involved in organized crime
- savagery brutality (Grausamkeit)
- take your bearings sich orientieren
- twilight the faint light after the sun has gone down (Zwielicht)
- pike a large, wide road for fast traffic
- creek a small river
- bank the side of a river and the land near it
- to huddle to gather closely together (sich zusammendrängen)
- lighter Feuerzeug
- to scrawl with sb. in a a careless way
- billboard a large advertising board, at the side of the road
- palimpsest manuscript that has been incompletely rubbed out
- to starve become weak or die because there is not enough food to eat (verhungern)