Englisch (Subject) / Unit 7 (Lesson)

There are 60 cards in this lesson

Tiere, Zoo, Bauernhof englisch

This lesson was created by Zunftmeister.

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  • stundenlang, jahrelang for many hours/years
  • wie es aussieht what it looks like
  • Wettbewerb competition
  • Moment Augenblick moment
  • Chip Speicherkarte card
  • Fotoapparat Kamera camera
  • ein Foto machen to take a photo
  • ausdenken sich etwas einfallen lassen to think of this game is silly.Let`s think of a new game.
  • eines Abends one evening
  • Garage Werkstatt Tankstelle garage The car is in the garage next to our house. Our car doesn`t work. I must take it to the garage.