Finanzierung (Subject) / Wirtschaft (Lesson)
There are 5 cards in this lesson
This lesson was created by Be_Owned.
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- bond Anleihe
- to issue 1. herausbringen, publizieren; They issued a joint statement denying the charges 2. erteilen; Work permits were issued to only five percent of those who applied for them 3. ausstellen; A warrant has been issued for his arrest
- to owe 1. schulden; She still owes her father 3000 euro 2. verdanken; I owe him everything
- to bear (bore, borne/born) 1. ertragen; The pain was almost more than he could bear 2. verkraften; Her later work does not bear comparison with her earlier novels 3. aushalten; You shouldn't have to bear the blame for other people's mistakes
- to resolve 1. lösen; both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences 2. beschließen; He resolved not to tell her the truth 3. entscheiden; The Supreme Court resolved to resume control over the national press