Geo (Subject) / Inflation & Deflation (Lesson)

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2. Test 2019/20

This lesson was created by Alexandra05.

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  • What is whose main goal? the economy's main goal is to maintain price stability 
  • What does "to maintain price stability" mean? to maintain price stability means to maintain the value of money over a long period of time
  • How can maintaining the value of Money over a Long period of time only work? it can only work if the increase of money supply is as big as the increase of goods supply
  • What does Inflation mean? inflation means that the money supply is bigger than the goods supply and therefore increases the price of a certain product (the buying power [Kaufkraft] decreases)
  • What does Deflation mean? deflation means that there's less money supply than goods supply, the buying poer increases but there's less profit for the producer 
  • What is the ESZB? What is it responsible for? = Europäisches System der Zentralbanken  it's responsible for maintaining the money supply 
  • What does buying power mean? the financal ability to buy products 
  • What does hyperinflation mean? it describes the rapid increase of prices 
  • What does Stagflation mean? slow economic growth and high unemployment