Monitoring of Marine Systems (Subject) / Part A (Lesson)

There are 41 cards in this lesson

Monitoring MaCs Sem 1 Alexandra Cravo

This lesson was created by saha_rass.

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  • What is monitoring in general Observe and Check Progress and Quality of an environment/subject over an extended period of time  = Systematic Review =inlcuding biotic and abiotic factors  =identifying dominant pressures and activites
  • Give example of different conventions including monitoring systems HELCOM Water framework directive Marine strategy framework directive Oslo Convention Paris convention Barcelona Convention OSPAR
  • Ocean areas of monitoring Estuaries: Fluvial influx from landbased pollution, highly sensitive ecosystem, low in water circulation >>contaminants rest in estuary for a long period, thus monitoring is very important >>Governments are obligated to record pollution load  Open Sea: Measurements of chemical conc. in water, sediment and biota + effects on biota (same though in estuary) Monitoring on marine pollution is soley based on chemical monitoring, thus no information on deleterious effects on biota 
  • Overall reason for monitoring and types of measurements to detect/identify a trend or a non compliance with a baseline/standard Measures need to be taken repeatedly in set intrevalls.(spatial + temporal surveillance) >>measure anthropogenic activity /influx >>Measure quality of environment >>measure deleterious effects on biota 
  • 3 modes of monitoring 1) Surveillance: observe long term changes and privisionn of baseline 2) operational: establish water status of bodies that are at risk at failing GES 3) Investigate: Why do the bodies fail the standard?Assess cause of failure
  • Why do I need monitoring 1.Need Information to assess GES & to estimate the distance from status to GES 2. Generating indicators for environmtental targets 3. detection of trends 4.Identify causes of change and correct 5. Provide info on chemic. con. in organisms for human consumption 6. Develop technical specification and standards to be comparable 
  • Water Framework directive = framework to protect surface water (rivers, lakes, coastal water...) and ground water >>coastal water up to 1 nautical mile, concentrations up to 12 nautical miles >Establishment of 28 member countries to establish good ecological status (preventing deterioration, improving WQ, optimize physical habitat condictions, conservation of high WQ)  >GES measure biological,chemical anorphological status in surface water >GES measures in ground water quantitative cchemical criteria  !Interaction with excisting policies (drinking water, waste water, sewage slug, MSFD)
  • Water Freamework Directive Measures to provide by member states = no values, only orientation 1. Prevent deterioration of Water body 2. protect, enhance, restore ground & Surface water bodies 3. promote sustainable water use (Pricing) 4. Reduce discharge of priority substances + cease discharge of hazardous substances into surface waters 5. mitigate effects of floods and drougghts 6. Ensure sufficient water supply 7. protect marine environment
  • WFD >How to establish GES - Model Measurements of different parameters 1. hydromorphological (water flow...) 2. Physiochemical (temp., salinity) 3. Chemical ( Oxygen, pH) 4. Biological (biota) >>take maasurements, establish mean value, in final rating the worst value determines the GES
  • Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) = sustainable use and conversation of european seas and achieve good Environmental status (GES) by 2020 Assessement of GES every 6 years and reported - also update of monitoring prgrams every 6 years >Protect, Prevent, reduce inputs, restore What is Good environmental status GES means that the different uses made of the marine resources are conducted at a sustainable level, ensuring their continuity for future generations. In addition, GES means that: >>Ecosystems, including their hydro-morphological (i.e. the structure and evolution of the water resources), physical and chemical conditions, are fully functioning and resilient to human-induced environmental change;>>The decline of biodiversity caused by human activities is prevented and biodiversity is protected;>>Human activities introducing substances and energy into the marine environment do not cause pollution effects. Noise from human activities is compatible with the marine environment and its ecosystems. 
  • 11 Descriptors MSFD 1. Biodiversity 2. Non indigenous species 3. Commercially exploited fish 4. Marine Food webs 5. Human induced eutrophication 6.Sea floor integrity (funktionsfähig) 7. Hydrographical conditions (science of oceans physical changes) 8. concentration of contaminants 9. contaminants in fish & seafood 10. marine litter (not in WFD) 11. Energy (not in WFD)
  • Main differences WFD and MSFD WFD mostly asssesses fresh water and only coastal waters up to 1nm/ 12 nm                            >>It assesses good ecological status  - more specified                                                              >>WFD splits the ecosystem and assesses each individual                                           >>covers benthic invertebrates, macroalgaeo, angiosperms, phytoplancton, estuarine fish but not seabirds, zooplankton, coastal water fish or marine mammals  >>MSFD assesses european oceans beyond the 12nm and has a wider approach not only ecological >>11 descriptors  for good Environmental status                                                                 e.g covers additionally noise, litter, fishing as pressure points                                 >MSFD is  a more hollistic approach =!important to coordinate both otherwise redundancy which results in high costs and waste of scarce resources!! MSFD clearifies it only covers aspects not covered by WFD and beyond 12nm
  • OSPAR in general and its five strategies Oslo - Paris convention combined!                                                                                      Protection of North Eastern Atlantic >>cease discharge, hazardous substances, emission by 2020                                               >>rech concentrations close to original natural baseline  or to 0 when anthropogenic induced 5 strategies                                                                                                                   1.biological diversity and eco system                                                                           2.Europhication                                                                                                         3.Hazardous Substances    - one of the main focus plus their effectt on biota                             4.Offshore Oil and Gas industry                                                                                 5.Radioactive Substances
  • Contamination Pollution contamination: Values of hazardous substances concentration higher  than the baseline pollution: values so high that they have significant adverse effect on environment /biota
  • 10 Steps how to do a monitoring program WHAT WHY? WHERE? WHEN? HOW?  1. Specify the goal - clear definition 2. plan everthing carefully! understand the system processes and its linkage and base technical design on this 3. Testable questions and hypothesis 4. Do a peer review 5. Methods: Statistically valid data and predictive modeling 6.input from everyone who will use the data (scientists, decision makers, public) 7. And translate data so they are understandable/usable for all of them  8. Consider time/funding /expertise 9. Always to repeated quality control (calibration, functioning of equipment..) 10. Careful analysis, intepretation and modeling 
  • Challenges of a monitoring system -allocation of scarce resources (money, expertise...) - Undersampling (gaps in data) -Oversampling (resource waste) - make it cost effective
  • Duration sufficient long to distinguish between natural occuring processes or anthropogenic influenced ones
  • Sampling Scheme Consider natural variability in eg tides, weather conditions etc. and plan your scheme including these, dependant on how significant for your data collection. >>If you leave some variabilities out - consider this in the interpreation! 
  • Monitoring value for reasearch Raises questions (why is an area polluted, where does the pollutant come from? how solve this?) Data collection to build models Gathering of more knowledge about eco systems (currently still many uncertinities)
  • Monitoring types Focused monitoring: response to a problem rather than an anticipatoin Chemical monitoring: Water+Sediments chemical types and concentration Biological monitoring: chemical types and conentration in organisms and their effects on them
  • 4 major compontents of monitorin programs 1. Objective and goal 2. Sampling Scheme / Sampling Strategy 3. data Collection 4. Data Handling (analysis, presentation, saving) >>>constant Maintenance  - regular quality control of data collection and handling
  • 4 Major components 1. Objective 2 objectives a) assessement of state  and   b) Detection of change/trend use of 3 variables during the program                                                                           1.Final Variables - set endpoint values                                                                               2.Intermediate variables - values set for midterm of the program - early warners for bigger more                                       severe events eg increase in chlorophyll - alage bloom - eutrophication 3. Sorrugates (Stellverteter): variables for intermediate and final variables eg BOD, COD
  • 4 major monitoring components 2. Sampling Strategies 3. Data Collection 4. Data Handling 2.Site selction: representative, specific, regular, (random)                                                     >>need to fit the purpose of the program 3. Choice of field methods, allocation over time and space  4. Balance between data reduction and interpretability
  • 3 Monitoring Coordination points in a Framework 1. Comparable : Same sampling methods, frequencies, spatial resolution 2. Interoperability: Data of each state can be compared and combined 3. Ensuring same interface format and no duplication of work
  • Adaptive monitoring Programs >Changing Systems = requires adjustment for a more realistic assessement > Cliamte change changes intensities of pressures, changes ecosystems functioning and composition >If GES is not reached monitoring mode of assessement has to change into mode of ivestigation >Technical progress requires adjustment >eg. MSFD requires assessement every 6 years, however adjustment must be operated more frequently
  • Measurement Techniques general 1. Direct Sampling (Moorings, Niskin Bottles, Buoyes) 2. CTDs (Conductivity, Temperature, Density) = hydrological measurements 3. Airborne and Satellite imagery 4. Remote Sensing with electronic waves and acoustic methods
  • Direct Sampling >Moorings & buoyes (freefloating or platform) to measure physiochemical properties such as      salniity, temperature, turbidity, pH   Example: Smart bouye >Multiparametric Probes can be attached to moorings/buoyes and measure the same as above but also eg nutrients and chlorophyll > Manual Sampling with eg Niskin bottles                = Sampling scheme usually includes measurements at different sites and depths! > Data are transmitted in Real Time via Satellite = highly efficient  >Advanced technologies: solar batteries, data loggin controler, eco friendly antifouling)
  • Argo Bouye Network broad scale of global array of sal/temp profiles by floating argo buoyes = one of the major ocean observing programs
  • Argo Bouye Network broad scale of global array of sal/temp profiles by floating argo buoyes = one of the major ocean observing programs
  • Direct Sampling Buoye Lifecycle and deployment (Argo) Lifespan of 4 - 5 years with 10 days cycles of measurements Deployment - Floating - Descending to dirft depth (3-6h) - dirft for 9 days - descent to profiling depth (3-6h) - start profiling while ascending and transmit data to satellite - restart  (Argo deployment began 2000 and now deploy 800Buoyes/year) - deployed by either VOS (volunteer Observing Ships) or SOOP (Ships of Opportunity) 
  • Direct Sampling Buoye Lifecycle and deployment (Argo) Lifespan of 4 - 5 years with 10 days cycles of measurements Deployment - Floating - Descending to dirft depth (3-6h) - dirft for 9 days - descent to profiling depth (3-6h) - start profiling while ascending and transmit data to satellite - restart  (Argo deployment began 2000 and now deploy 800Buoyes/year) - deployed by either VOS (volunteer Observing Ships) or SOOP (Ships of Opportunity) 
  • Ships of Opportunity and their 2 tools SOOPS are merchant vessels that volunteer to carry along scientific meaurement equipment for chemical, physical and biological measurements such as the ferry box Ferry box: flow thourgh pumping system propellering water in an internal loop and taking measurements / collecting data such es eutrophication in the north sea (algal group detection, DO, Nutrients...) Continous Plankton Recorder (CPR): towed behind the ship and filtering plankton out of the water collecting it on a silk band. With the PCI (Plankton Color index) semiquantitive biomass is determine (taxa and abundance analyzed under microscope) 
  • Types of remote Sensing general Remotely operated vehicles (ROV) Acoustics (sonar&Echo) Satellite Autonomous underwater Vehicles and gliders (AUV)
  • Types of remote Sensing general Remotely operated vehicles (ROV) Acoustics (sonar&Echo) Satellite Autonomous underwater Vehicles and gliders (AUV)
  • ROV Remotely operated vehicles Vehicles connected with a umbilica cable to the platform/ship (deployment device) that can opreate in great depth (deeper than divers), contaminated water, and show imagery of the ocean floor plus geological, biological and chemical water sampling Eg ROV LUSO (portuguese) operating in 6000m depth 
  • Remote Sensing Sonar and Echo - Acoustics transmission of sound through water ( more efficient than light)  =Hydroacoustic (sonar/echo) - monitoring of physical & biological characteristics Sonars: detection of animals and plants >infos about abundance, soze, distribution                                 habitat mapping: depth, topography (Roughness..) Advantage = they are non intrusive  Combination if hydroacoustics is the best: eg single beam echo sounder (depth) and multi beam echo sounder (mapping)
  • Satellite for Earth observation (EO) >Costeffective monitoring of large and distant areas! >captures regional&local variability in frequency nearly comatible with marine process dynamics >Synoptic observations (general view of the whole) : Increase sustainable management of ocean                                                                             resources (eg fisheries) >Optical sensors: can eg relate color of sea surface wirh chlorophyll concentration or suspended matter
  • Autonomous underwater vehicles and gliders (AUVs) simply computer controolled systems withou physical connection to operator/surface > very costeffective bc alternative to research vessels and can operateb several AUVs at the same time! >can cover a wide area and give 3D image of water coloumn and give continous! data Set up                                                                                                                             Torpedo shaped, remotely operated with high number of propulsion techniques ,  solar batteries  carry physical and bio optica sensors for measure water quality variables (temp, sal, nutrients, chlorophyll...) Gliders                                                                                                                         AUVs with bouancy based propulsion  (filling oil bladder or moving piston for positive or negative buoancy)                                                                                                                         wings result in additional horizontal movement resulting in a saw tooth patterb and                  no propeller is needed                                                                                                       >2 way data transmitting allows real time data and able to change commands
  • Water Quality Monitoring details =collection and processing of all cemical, physical and biological data of water > its very complex due high variability in water quality  > crucial to be informed about WQ status and to link and understand phenomena        = need to monitor (sampling process) a network (spatial), which is in coordination with each site, over a time frame
  • Water Quality managament 3 main question and design 1. What minimal physical, chemical, biological,  socioeconomical information is required for proper management 2. What minimum data is required to produce that information  3. how do efficiently produce information out of this data Technical design: site selection,frequency, duration, variables                                             >>work in an integrated manner and redesign frequently  Outcome 3 main values: Extremes (max and min), mean values and changes/trends
  • Water quality management difficulties Chapman 7 Difficulties  >narrow down to most relevant variables                                                                        >determine frequency : sporadic sampling leads to gaps, oversampling = resource waste            >Observation site choice                                                                                                    >Duration                                                                                                                        >messy data                                                                                                                  >defficiency in data presentation Chapman  1. missing values (equipment break, undersamlping, contaminants.. 2. change in sampling frequencies (eg budget cuts) 3. multiple observations within one sampling period (wrong storage on hardware) 4.uncertinity in measurement procedures (wrong calibration, ....) 5.censored data (change in detection limits, different labs analyse same data set) 6. small sample size 7. outliers (problems to distinguish errorous measurements from extreme events)