primary producers and their sizes
Oceanic primary production>Cyanobacteria (Chlorophyl A)>Prochloron (Chlorophyl A + B)>Microalgae (Protists) >Ultraplankton (>0.2µm)>Virio Plankton >Pico Plankton (0.2-2µm)--> Bacteria/Cyanobacteria >Nanoplankton (2-20µm)>Protists>Nanoflagella >Microplancton (20-200µm)>Diatons>Ciliates>Dinoflagella
Biological Pump
Carbon transport from the atmopshere to the ocean bottom 1) production of fixed carbon during photosynthesise on the surface (fixed in tissue or similar) 2) dying of plankton and sinking 3) only 5 % of the carbon reach the bottom where it is remineralized for primary production >>insufficient
fishing areas
Westcoast of northamerica peru southwest and northwest africa ethopia due to prevailing winds which cause upwelling resulting in phytobloom = high productivity
fishing areas
Westcoast of northamerica peru southwest and northwest africa ethopia due to prevailing winds which cause upwelling resulting in phytobloom = high productivity
processes in microbial food web
phytoplankton fixes carbon in its tissue during photosynthesis. Due to exudatio or leakage DOC is released into environment and incorporated by bacteria Bacteria are eaten by protists and zooplankton feeds on protist - due sloppy feeding in both cases POC is released and DOC (POM&DOM)demineralization of protists and bacteria releases DIN death of protists results in POM which sinks to the bottom serving as food source for benthic organsms
processes in microbial food web
phytoplankton fixes carbon in its tissue during photosynthesis. Due to exudatio or leakage DOC is released into environment and incorporated by bacteria Bacteria are eaten by protists and zooplankton feeds on protist - due sloppy feeding in both cases POC is released and DOC (POM&DOM)demineralization of protists and bacteria releases DIN death of protists results in POM which sinks to the bottom serving as food source for benthic organsms
significance of microbial loop
dynamic equilibrium of interaction b/w different trophic levels/fnctional groups microbial loop consumes most surface C and sinks it - low avaiability of C on higher trophic levels (produce, consume , recycled) mibrobial loop results in sel fpurification of the water
significance microbial loop
1) self purification of water 2) constant production, consumeing, recycling of carbon leaving only low carbon content for higher trophic levels 3)estabilshs dynamical equilibrium b/w interactions of different functional groups
photplankton foodweb
80% of PP is consumed by zooplankton 10% exhuded as DOM and taken up by bacteria 10% drops below thermocline 69% of fixed carbon passes thru detritus food web
normal rate
normal rate
types of protists
Ciliatas: have ciliatos with power and return stroke, 1 macornuclei for somatic functions 2 micro nuclei for sexual part rhizopoda : ameba form pseudopod (temporal arm) , foraminifera have calcerous shell,actinopods circular flagellata:Dichotomy without chloroplast protozoa with phytoplankton sporozoa: identified by spore morphology and biological cycle
types of protists
Ciliatas: have ciliatos with power and return stroke, 1 macornuclei for somatic functions 2 micro nuclei for sexual part rhizopoda : ameba form pseudopod (temporal arm) , foraminifera have calcerous shell,actinopods circular flagellata:Dichotomy without chloroplast protozoa with phytoplankton sporozoa: identified by spore morphology and biological cycle