Cracking the Coding Interview (Fach) / behavioral questions (Lektion)

Vorderseite Meininger: challenges good job mistakes/failures enjoyed leadership conflicts what I ‘d do differently


· getting up very early

· checking in big school-classes and acting natural

· deciding things for the hotel

Good job· taking responsibility

· integrity

· reliable

· taking good decisions

mistakes/failures,· didn’t call for help when I needed to

· let people enter wrong room with a key card

enjoyed· taking on more and more responsibility even when this meaned more work

· observing how my boss would interact with difficult customers

leadership· lead very difficult customers

conflicts· with customers I stayed very calm but assertive

· with head of reception who could be very tense sometimes showed her that I was uncomfortable never be mad we developed a nice relationship

what I ‘d do differently· be more assertive with what I want and expect money, development

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