Cracking the Coding Interview (Fach) / behavioral questions (Lektion)

Vorderseite La Croque: challenges good job mistakes/failures leadership conflicts what I ‘d do differently




· grow really fast and earn respect of colleques

· taking on a leadership rol gradually

good job

· intuitively did the right thing

· took over responsibility

· implemented new inventory system learned that I didn't even have to calculate it. The fact that I did it was enough

· taught new employees what I thought was guest-friendly

mistakes/failures,· not talking more clearly with my boss what I wanted enjoyed· taking responsibility

· being creative

· manage the place more efficiently

· earning respect of my colleques

leadership· protected colleques in uncomfortable situations

· be there for them when they needed me

· make sure justice between colleques

conflicts· conflicts with employees that were longer there and didn’t like me deciding things

· saw that I stepped up for them and that the business was running better so they respected me a lot

what I ‘d do differently· insist more on talking with my boss

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