Marketing (Fach) / Marketing Planning - Analysis (Lektion)

Vorderseite Value drivers (competitive advantage) (8)

1. product differentiation (more features)core product, expected offer, augmented offer, potential offer

2. product quality (longer lifetime, superior design)quality & service!quality = after-purchase experience

3. service= purchase experienceadded value

4. Packaging

5. brandingimpossible to copyreducing the risk of the unfamiliareverything is changing so fast = brand provides perceived orientation assets

6. price differentiation (lower prices, better credit terms)the more differentiation - the greater the chances for premium pricing

7. creating customer relationshipscreating customer value and building profitable customer relationshipsuse JIT create switching costs

8. time-based competitiongaining advantage by being faster than the competitionlow cost variety and fast response time (eg Japanese cars in US market)= customer focused strategy faster in:- responding to market changes- developing new products- distribution- service

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