CM (Fach) / Topic 5 Gap Analysis (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 12 Karteikarten


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  • What are the sources of Channel Gaps? 1. Environmental bounds (or constraints) legal constraints physical infrastructure (local) --> In general, they occur outside the focal company --> They directly impact channel activities      --> result in inappropriate service outputs      --> result in excessive cost 2. Managerial bounds (or constraints)
  • Name the 2 types of Gaps Demand Side Gaps Supply Side Gaps
  • Name the consequences of Demand side gaps SOS > SOD --> cost SOS < SOD --> lost opportunities (revenues)
  • What are Supply side gaps? Supply side gap is equivalent to : Total cost of performing all channel flows is too high. But : Do not judge supply side gaps on individual flows!
  • What are the results of : Demand-side gap (SOD > SOS) and No supply-side Gap ? Price/value proposition = right for a less demanding segment
  • What are the results of : No Demand-side gap (SOD = SOS) and No supply-side Gap ? No Gaps
  • What are the results of : Demand-side gap (SOS > SOD) and No supply-side Gap ? Price/value proposition = right for a more demanding segment!
  • What are the results of : Demand-side gap (SOD > SOS) and supply-side Gap ? Insufficient Service output provision, at high costs : price and /or cost too high, value too low.
  • What are the results of : No Demand-side gap (SOD = SOS) and supply-side Gap ? High cost, but Service outputs are right: benefit is right, but price and /or cost is high
  • What are the results of : Demand-side gap (SOS > SOD) and supply-side Gap ? High costs and Service outputs = too high: no extra value created, but price and/or cost is high
  • Name 2 propositions on closing Demand Side Gaps Adjust SOS ( increase/lower ) Adjust segments targeted (e.g. choose adjacent segment, split segments)
  • Name 3 propositions on closing Supply Side Gaps Keep channel members, adjust their responsibilities (only) Keep channel members, drive efficiencies through introduction of new technologies/processes Change channel structure, dis-/re-intermediate