In dieser Lektion befinden sich 5 Karteikarten

from 1820 to 2000

Diese Lektion wurde von Lernfuchs erstellt.

Lektion lernen

  • 1830 - 1880 Industrial revelution Economic activities are organized within business firms strategy of market dominance: no real competition focus on innovation an strategy
  • 1900 - 1930 Mass-Pdroduction: largely unsaturated markets internal production orientation od organizations focus on efficiency and operating
  • 1930 - 1950 Mass-Marketing: shift from production orientation to market orientation with an equal balancing product differentation focus on markets and operating
  • 1950 - today Post- industrial era: contunued saturation of markets increased speed of innovation dynamic markats focus on needs, operations and strategy
  • Shift of challenges for management: 1900 - 1950: steady change shared familiar opportunities major discontinuitties infrequent 1950 - today accelerating changeglobal competition differentiated novel challanges major discontinuities frequent ...