Englisch (Fach) / 2 FW Englisch unit 1 (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 75 Karteikarten
Englisch Vokabeln
Diese Lektion wurde von ISofie erstellt.
- Griechenland GreeceGreece has been a member of the EU since 1980.
- Reisebus coach Coach tours are fun, but can be quite tiring.
- Jugendherberge youth hostel Youth hostels are not as expensive as hotels.
- Campingplatz campsite There were many tents on the campsite.
- See lake there are a lot of lakes in Carinthia.
- entscheiden decide They decided to stay at home tonight.
- tanned von der Sonne gebräunt
- bequem comfortable furniture or clothes that give you a pleasant feeling
- Stockbett bunk bed
- teilen to share use sth at the same time as sb else
- außer wenn unless except if
- im Vorhinein in advance before doing sth
- zum besipiel for instance
- Waschgelgenheit washing facilities
- Dusche shower I'll take a shower before going to bed
- gewaschen laundered
- Bettzeug bed linen
- Polster pillow
- Daunendecke duvet
- Decke blanket
- Selbstversorgung self-catering the possibility to cook your own food
- ausgestattet sein (mit) to be equipped with
- Gechirr crockery
- Besteck cutlery
- Lagerung storage
- Konservennahrung tinned food Tinned food is generally low in vitamines.
- available verfügbar
- zur Verfügung stellen to provide to give sb what they need
- Herbergsvater warden
- dürfen, die erlaubnis haben to be permitted to be allowed to do sth
- Angestellte staff Our friendly staff are always happy to help you.
- verweigern to refuse
- Gebäude, Räumlichkeiten premises land or building owned by an organisation or company
- Zutritt admission As they were drunk, they were refused to admission.
- Einfluss influence You ar not allowed to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Haustier pet small animal kept at home
- Beschreibung description
- Strandpromenade seafront WE took a walk along the seafront.
- hinüberschauen to look across
- Rasen Parkanlage (an der Küste in Hove the lawns of Hove
- Gässchen ältester Stadtteil in Brighton the lanes of Brighton
- anbieten to offer WE were offered a nice room with a view.
- Zentralheizung central heating Not all houses have central heating.
- genießen to enjoy to get pleasure from sth
- reizvoll charming We found a charming little hotel near Brighton.
- Dorf village The hotel was in a little village.
- freundlich welcoming friendly, making you feel welcome
- eingerichtet, möbliert furnished
- Großartig magnificent We had a magnificent view of the seafront.
- reservieren, Buchen to book I booked a table in my favourite resturant.