Soziologie (Fach) / Definitionen II (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 61 Karteikarten

Final Exam

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  • The social construction of Reality Although there is a single reality, the ways that people interpret this reality are negotiated through social interaction - Obwohl es nur eine Realität gibt, wird die weise wie Menschen sie interpretieren ...
  • Explanations for why media violence might affect aggression ... 1. Imitation -  2. Cognitive Priming  - Association in similar situations with violence  3. Legitimization -If we see Superheroes using violence it is legitimate  4. Desensitization - If you always ...
  • Individualism Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence. - Glaube an die primäre Bedeutung vom Individuum und in den Tugenden des Selbstvertrauens ...
  • The Horatio Alger Success Myth The idea that everybody has an equal opportunity for success in Amerca and anyone "make it" with enough hard work. 
  • Underemployment the situation that arises when because of the jobs available, high-skill workers must take low-skill jobs or workers who want to work full-time can only work part-time. 
  • Double Consciousness The tension and confusion people feel when they move between different and ampeting location where they are expected to act in different ways.    -Verwirrung die Leute spüren wenn an verschiedenen ...
  • Assimilation The process by which minorities shed their differences and blend in with another dominant group  -Der Prozeß, durch den Minderheiten ihre Unterschiede verschütten und sich mit einer anderen dominierenden ...
  • Anglo-Conformity-Assimilation Immigrants lose most of their ethnic identity and learn to act and think likte the majority group. A+B=C
  • Melting-Pot Assimilation Ethnic groups come to the United States and lose their distinctions by "Melting" into a single U.S. category: A+B+C=D
  • Multiculturalism Sometimes referred to as a mixing bowl- minority groups maintain much of their cultural identity and one appreciated for their distinctiveness A+B+C=A+B+C - Wird mit einer Rührschüssel verglichen - ...
  • Social Stratification A system of ranking individuals on the basis of an equal distribution of societal resources, prestige or power - a social structure   -Ein System von sich aufreihenden Individuen auf der Grundlage von ...
  • Social Inequality (Social Stratification) A form of stratification in which privilegs and obligations are given to some groups but not to other based on categories such as social class, race, gender and sexual orientation.  -Eine Form(Formular) ...
  • Meritocracy (Social Stratification) A form of social stratification in which all positions are awarded on the basis of merit   - Alle positionen werden auf grund von Verdienst vergeben
  • Tracking/Ability Grouping The seperation of students into different classes or "tracks" based on achievement or ability  
  • Social mobility The movement of Individuals or groups between different social positions
  • Sponsored mobility The movement to a higher social position based on opportunities provided by powerful others
  • Contest mobility Movement to a higher social class based on success in opportunities that are provided to everybody -Bewegung zu einer höheren sozialen Klasse gegründet auf Erfolg in Gelegenheiten, die zu jedem versorgt(bereitgestellt) ...
  • Capital Something that is acquired, accumulates and is of value in some situations -Etwas, dass erworben wird, wächst an und ist in einigen Situationen(Zuständen) wertvoll
  • Economic capital Money and material resources that is acquired, accumulates and is of value in some situations - Geld und materielle(wichtige) Mittel, der erworben wird, wachsen an und sind in einigen Situationen(Zuständen) ...
  • Human Capital Specific skills, knowledge and expertise that is acquired, accumulates and is of value in some situations -Spezifische Fähigkeiten, Kenntnis und Gutachten(Sachkenntnis), das erworben wird, wachsen an ...
  • Social Capital Social networks (the people that we know) tat is acquired, accumulates and is of value in some situations -Soziale Netzwerke (die Leute, die wir) kennen, machen wird erworben, wächst an und ist in einigen ...
  • Cultural Capital The ability to engage in and appreciate certain lifestyles that is acquired, accumulates and is of value in some situations -Die Fähigkeit, sich zu verpflichten in und gewisse Lebensstile zu schätzen, ...
  • 3 Characteristics of a social class (Karl Marx) 1. A district relationship to the means of production 2. Clear consciousness of it's existence as a class in opposition to another class  3. A distinct lifestyle and set of cultural values  -1. Eine ...
  • Bourgeosie Capitalists owners of the means of production -Kapitalist-Inhaber der Mittel der Produktion
  • Proletariat Working Class, those who have to sell all their labor to survive
  • Class Consciousness The recognition by workers that they are a class joined in opposition to capitalists
  • False Consciousness When workers identify with the interests of the capitalists instead of with the interest of other workers
  • False Consciousness When workers identify with the interests of the capitalists instead of with the interest of other workers
  • Birth Cohort A group of people who were born during the same time period (5-10 years) and were approximately the same age when they encountered -Eine Gruppe von Leuten, die während derselben Zeitperiode (5-10 Jahre) ...
  • Clique A small exclusive group of friends or acquaintances associated by common interests -Eine kleine exklusive Gruppe von Freunden oder durch allgemeine Interessen eng verbundenen Bekanntschaften
  • Subculture A segment of a culture that shares values and behaviors that distinguish it from the broader culture - Ein Teil einer Kultur, die Werte und Verhalten teilt, das es von der breiteren Kultur unterscheidet ...
  • Subcult Highly exclusive cliques within subcultures, organized, shared systems of language music, style and ideology -Hoch exklusive Cliquen innerhalb von Nebenkulturen, organisierte, geteilte Systeme der Sprache ...
  • Counterculture A subculture with values and norms in opposition to the broader culture -Eine Nebenkultur mit Werten und Normen entgegen der breiteren Kultur
  • Norms Rules of conduct that guide people's behavior in specific situations.  -Regeln der Führung, die Verhalten von Leuten in spezifischen Situationen(Zuständen) führen.
  • Doing Class Engaging in behavior at the risk of class assessement (either positive or negative) based on normative conceptions and attitudes about what is "Appropriate" -Engagieren in Verhalten auf die Gefahr zu ...
  • Identity Our sense of self or who we are -Unser Sinn(Gefühl) selbst oder wer sind wir
  • Social Identity A sense of self that is built up over time as a person participates in social life and identifications with a community of others with whom there is a feeling of community and common purpose  -Ein Sinn(Gefühl) ...
  • Situated Identity A sense of self that is tied to the roles we play in specific social situations -Ein Sinn(Gefühl) selbst, der an die Rollen festgebunden wird, wir spielt in spezifischen sozialen Situationen(Zuständen) ...
  • Wage Gap The long-standing gap between men and women pay at comparable jobs
  • Wage Gap The long-standing gap between men and women pay at comparable jobs
  • The second shift Work inside the home such as cooking, cleaning and childcare that women are often responsible for in addition to jobs outside the home.  -Arbeit innerhalb des Hauses wie Kochen, Reinigung und Jugendfürsorge, ...
  • Sex Biological criteria for classifying people as male or female (genitalia, Hormones, Chromosomes) -Biologische Kriterien, um Leute als Mann oder Frau (Genitalien, Hormone, Chromosomen) zu klassifizieren
  • Gender Socially constructed beliefs about "appropriate" behaviors for males and females that are not biological or predetermined.  -Sozial gebauter Glaube über "angebrachtes" Verhalten für Männer und Frauen, ...
  • Doing Gender Engaging in behavior at the risk of gender assessement (either positive or negative) by others based on normative conceptions and attitudes about what is "appropriate" -Engagieren in Verhalten auf die ...
  • Socialization The process by which people learn the characters of their group- the knowledge, skills, attitudes values and actions thought appropriate for them - Der Prozeß, durch den Leute die Charaktere(Buchstaben) ...
  • Religion A social institution involving beliefs and practices based on a conception of the sacred.  -Ein soziales Institut(Einrichtung), das Glauben und Praxen gegründet auf einem Begriff heilig(geweiht) beteiligt(einschließt) ...
  • Denomination A group of religious congregrations having its own organization and a distinctive faith -Eine Gruppe von religiösem Gemeinden Haben seiner(ihrer) eigenen Organisation und eines unterscheidenden Glaubens. ...
  • Sects A type of religious organizations that stands apart from the larger society -Ein Typ von religiösen Organisationen, der abgesondert von der größeren Gesellschaft steht
  • Cults A religious organization that is largely outside a society's cultural traditions.  - Eine religiöse Organisation, die in hohem Maße außerhalb kultureller Traditionen der Gesellschaft ist.
  • Monotheism Belief in a single divine power -Glaube an eine einzelne Gotteskraft