Anästhesie (Fach) / Notfälle (Lektion)

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Diese Lektion wurde von annescheidecker erstellt.

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  • CO 200-300 x stärkere Bindung an Hämoglobin als O2 it binds to and inhibits other haemoproteins (myoglobin, cytochrome c and reduced cytochrome P450) 35xstärkere Bindung im Myoglobin Linksverschiebung ...
  • Spinaler Schock autonome Hyperreflexie: RückenmarksVerletzung oberhalb TH 6  --> sympathische Hyperaktivität Bradykardie: oberhalb TH1  
  • Methämoglobinämie Hb mit Fe3+ > schlechtere O2-Bindung + Linksverschiebung O2-Dissoziationskurve angeboren oder erworben mögliche Ursache: Prilocain + Cyanid > Cyanmethämoglobin Therapie: Methylenblau  
  • Sectio: 4-Punkte -Klassifikation Grade 1/Emergency:Immediate threat to maternal or foetal life Grade 2/Urgent: Maternal or foetal compromise that is not immediately life threatening Grade 3/Scheduled: Needing early delivery, no maternal ...
  • LAMA   Laryngeal masks airways (LMAs) are available in sizes 1 to 6. Grössen: 1: bis 5 kg, 1,5: 5-10 kg 2: 10-20 kg 2,5: 20-30 kg 3: 25-50 kg 4: 50-70 kg 5: 70-100 kg 6: > 100 kg The volume of air required ...
  • Blutverlust- Klassifikation (ATLS)   Class I haemorrhage (blood loss up to 15%): <750 ml of blood loss Minimal tachycardia No changes in blood pressure, RR or pulse pressure Normally not require fluid replacement as will be restored ...
  • Anaphylaxie First line: Adrenalin i.v. 50 mcg Second line pharmacological treatments include: Chlorphenirame 10 mg IV (H1-Blocker) Hydrocortisone 200 mg. Persistant bronchospasm can be treated using: Salbutamol ...
  • Status epilepticus   In all cases the first priority is to establish a patent airway, give high-flow oxygen and ensure blood glucose levels are checked and corrected if needed. Step 1 (Five minutes after start of seizures): ...
  • Ketoazidose The most important initial therapeutic intervention in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is appropriate fluid replacement followed by insulin administration. The main aims for fluid replacement are: Restoration ...
  • Organophosphatvergiftung   Vergiftungen mit Insektiziden aus der Gruppe der Organophosphate (Alkylphosphate, Alkylthiophosphate, Phosphorsäureester, Thiophosphorsäureester), z. B. Parathion = E 605® forte Hemmung der Acetylcholinesterasen ...
  • Streptokinase Thrombolyse KI:  Pregnancy Bleeding (gut, menstrual) Recent stroke or surgery Uncontrolled severe hypertension GI malignancy Prolonged CPR.
  • Asthma     In a patient presenting with acute asthma any one of the following suggests acute severe asthma: PEFR 33-50% best/predicted Respiratory rate ≥25/min Heart rate ≥110/min or Inability to complete ...
  • Addison Krise Akute Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz > Mangel an Mineralo- und Glucocorticoiden
  • acidosis in cardiac arrest   The use of bicarbonate causes generation of carbon dioxide which diffuses rapidly into cells causing: Worsening intracellular acidosis Negative inotropy to ischaemic myocardium Large osmotic load ...
  • Präeklampsie Diagnostic criteria for severe pre-eclampsia is severe hypertension with significant proteinuria, or moderate hypertension diastolic >100 mmHg and proteinuria and two other clinical features or HELLP. ...
  • fall in the intravascular blood volume- physiological ... The veins of the body contain 70% of the circulating blood volume, in contrast to the 15% in the arterial system. Veins act as a reservoir, and venous tone is important in maintaining the return of blood ...
  • Traumatic head injury Intracranial pressure (ICP) is important as it affects cerebral perfusion pressure and cerebral blood flow. Normal ICP is between 5 and 13 mmHg. Constituents within the skull include the Brain (80%/1400 ...
  • Aspirinüberdosierung Aspirin increases O2 consumption and CO2 production and may, paradoxically, cause initial a respiratory alkalosis in adults due to the direct effect of high concentrations of salicylates on the respiratory ...
  • Serotonin Syndrom Selegiline, the anti-parkinsonism drug is an MAO-B inhibitor and the same precautions regarding anaesthetic drugs apply as for other types of MAO inhibitors. It is not necessary to stop selegiline if ...
  • Blood transfusion: management of massive haemorrhage. ... Hospitals must have a major haemorrhage protocol in place and this should include clinical, laboratory and logistic responses. Immediate control of obvious bleeding is of paramount importance (pressure, ...
  • Raised urine pH helps excretion of: salicylates tricyclic poisoning thiopental Barbiturate
  • Defibrillation 5-40 Joule am offenen Herz  Paddels 13cm im Durchmesser (Erwachsene)  
  • trizyklische Antidepressiva-Vergiftung Patients with a GCS of less than 8 should undergo a rapid sequence induction at the earliest opportunity. It may be considered earlier if the airway is obtunded or if the patient is having seizures. Activated ...
  • Verbrennungen -hyperkatabol. Bei schweren Verbrennungen: 2 fach erhöhte metabolische Rate! - Energiereduktion durch warmes Umfeld (mindestens 30°C) - Schutz vor Wasserverlusten durch Abdecken der Wunden -intestinale ...
  • Paracetamolintoxikation Paracetamol hepatotoxicity is due to toxic oxidative metabolites combining with sulphydryl groups of hepatocyte proteins, causing centrilobular necrosis. The metabolites are usually scavenged by glutathione, ...
  • Dehydratation. Flüssigkeitsersatz beim Kind. Body weight: 1-10 kg 4 ml/kg/hour 10-20 kg 40 ml + 2 ml/kg/hour above 10 kg 20 kg 60 ml + 1 ml/kg/hour above 20 kg.
  • Antidot In the management of overdosage and poisoning, specific antidotes exist for particular drugs: N-acetylcysteine may be indicated in a paracetamol overdose Glucagon is given for an overdose of beta blockers ...