Englisch Vokabeln (Fach) / Vokabeln (Lektion)

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  • abandon to leave to give up
  • irrigation The supplying of water to dry land
  • precipitation Water that falls to the Earth’s surface
  • collide To come together with great or violent force
  • famine  Severe hunger; a drastic food shortage
  • impact strong influence
  • persevere To keep going, despite obstacles or discouragement; tomaintain a purpose
  • to plunge To go down suddenly; to decrease by a great amount in ashort time
  • unleash  To release a thing or an emotion
  • inherent adj. Naturally characteristic; always found within something,because it’s a basic part of that thing   No job can be interesting all the time. Boredom is inherent in anykind of work.
  • constraint  n.    Something that restricts thought or actionThe constraints of military life kept Eileen from seeing Private Mor-ris more than once a month.
  • deplete  v.    To greatly decrease the supply of a resource or materialThe prolonged war depleted the country’s national treasury.
  • dispose of v.    To throw away; to get rid of; to killShe disposed of her unwanted possessions before moving.The tyrant cruelly disposed of all his enemies.
  • basin Geländemulde
  • to rescind s.th. etw. annulieren
  • to reinvigorate s.o. jmd neu beleben
  • to concur übereinstimmen
  • to alleviate erleichtern lindern mildern
  • effort Anstrengung
  • to relish s.th etw. genießen gerne mögen
  • commodity Gut, Ware
  • to adjust To change; to get accustomed to somethingTravelers are advised to adjust their watches before arriving in thenew time zone.Parts of speech   adjustment n, adjustable adj
  • arbitrary adj. Chosen simply by whim or chance, not for any specificreasonThe decision to build a school in Blackberry Township was arbitrary, without any thought to future housing patterns   willkürlich
  • denominator n.  The number written below the line in a fractionIn the fraction  1 ⁄ 2 , the number 2 is the denominator.Usage tips   The phrase lowest common denominator means “the mostbasic and unsophisticated ...
  • At a very fast rate  exponentially  adv.    In Turkey, the value of the lira has decreased exponentially in thelast several decades.
  • infinitesimal adj.  Immeasurably small The number of contaminants in the water was infinitesimal, so thewater was safe to drink.
  • proportion n.   A part in relation to the wholeThe average employee spends a large proportion of each workdayanswering e-mails.Usage tips   Proportion is often followed by of.Parts of speech   proportionate adj, ...
  • sequence v. Als VERB nutzbar   To organize or arrange in successionVolunteers have been asked to sequence the files and organize theboxes.Parts of speech   sequence n, sequentially adv
  • writer´s device for appealing to common knowledge   as we all know
  • accuracy n.  Precision; exactnessThe research department checks all our articles for accuracy of factsbefore we print them.Usage tips   Accuracy is often followed by of.Parts of speech   accurate adj, accurately ...
  • adjacent adj. adjacency n. Next toEven though the villages are adjacent to each other, their residentsspeak different languages.Usage tips   Adjacent is often followed by to. Parts of speech   adjacency n (die Nähe)
  • feasibly adv. Practically; in a way that can workScientists can’t feasibly bring energy from deep ocean currents towhere it is needed—on land.   feasible adj. machbar, realisierbar
  • to gut v. To empty or hollow outIn order to remodel the house, we must first gut it and throw awayall the old fixtures.Usage tips   Gut also means “the stomach of an animal”; this verbmakes an image, that ...
  • integrally adv.  In a whole or complete mannerWriting and spelling are taught integrally as part of the readingprogram.
  • retain v. To keep or holdThe rain fell so heavily that the banks (Flussufer) of the river could not retainall the water.
  • to seep v.  To pass slowly for a long time, as a liquid or gas mightAs the containers rusted, the toxic waste seeped into the ground.Usage tips   Seep is often followed by into or through.
  • corrode v. To be slowly weakened by chemical reactionsSitting in salt water, the old coins corroded and became very easy tobreak.Usage tips   A familiar kind of corrosion produces rust, the reddishcoating on iron ...
  • to derive from s.th. v. derivation n. derivative ... von etw. herstammen Abstammung, Herkunft, Herleitung abgeleitet   To come from, usually through a long, slow processThe Cyrillic alphabet was derived from the Greek alphabet.Usage tips   Derive is ...
  • expeditiously adv. Quickly and efficientlyUsing carrier pigeons, the military commanders exchanged mes-sages expeditiously.
  • maintenance n.  maintenance  n.    The act of keeping something in good conditionThe only problem with living in such a big house is that it requiresa lot of maintenance.
  • combustion n. The process of burningWhen air quality is poor, combustion of materials in a fireplace isprohibited.Usage tips   Combustion is often followed by of.Parts of speech   combust v, combustible adj
  • convey v. To transport from one place to another; to transmit or makeknownA messenger conveyed the prince’s letter to the commander of thearmy.   etw. mitteilen
  • discretely adv. Separately; distinctlyIn order to understand how the engine worked, each componentneeded to be studied discretely.
  • permeate v. permeation n  To spread or flow throughout; to pass through or penetrateThe smell of cooking permeated the entire apartment building. Die Durchdringung
  • acquisition n. The act of taking possession of somethingOur recent acquisition of over 2,000 books makes ours the biggestlibrary in the region.Usage tips   Acquisition is often followed by of.Parts of speech   acquire ...
  • degrade v. To reduce in value or strengthThe roads in cold or wet areas of the United States degrade fasterthan those in warm, sunny regions.Parts of speech   degradation n, degradable adj
  • gap n.  Opening; a big difference in amount or qualityThe small gap between the walls in the old house caused cold draftsto come in.
  • indisputable adj.  Beyond doubt; unquestionableThe members of the jury found her guilty because they found thefacts of the case indisputable.Parts of speech   indisputably adv
  • intervene v.  To come betweenA good mediator intervenes only as much as necessary to settle adispute between other parties.Parts of speech   intervention n
  • recede v.  To move back or away fromAfter the age of 30, his hairline began to recede further back fromhis forehead.Parts of speech   recession n, recessive adj