Englisch Vokabeln (Fach) / Wirtschaftsvokabeln (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 288 Karteikarten
Englisch Prüfung
Diese Lektion wurde von Mariesleo erstellt.
- Eine Sitzung vertagen oder unterbrechen to adjourn To interrupt an event in order to continue at a later time or date
- Tagesordnung agenda A list of subjects to be discussed at a meeting
- mehrdeutig, zweideutig ambiguous Having different meanings or being open to interpretation, unclear or imprecise
- Ankündigung, Bekanntmachung announcement A formal public statement
- Anrufbeantworter answerphone
- sonstiges AOB (any other business) The time at the end of a meeting when subjects that are not on the agenda can be discussed
- Termin,Verabredung Appointment An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place
- angemessen appropriate The correct or acceptable thing to do in a particular situation
- Anhang attachement A document or file added to an email
- Verwaltung administration The process or activity of running a business, or an organisation
- Schwestergesellschaft Affiliate A person or organisation attached to a larger body
- Agentur agency A busniess providing a service between two parties
- 1. Abrechnung 2. Konto account 1. a record of statement of financial expenditure 2. an arrangement where a bank hold funds for a client
- bezahlbar, erschwinglich affordable not to expensive to buy
- Zuteilung, Verteilung allocation The distribution of resources or duties for a particular purpose
- Körpersprache body language Unspoken communication made by posture, facial expressions, or gestures
- Beratung, Einweisung, Einsatzbesprechung briefing Instructions or information given to people, sometimes in a meeting
- Direktion, Aufsichtsrat board of directors a group of people, usually chosen by shareholders, who run a company
- Filiale, Zweigstelle, Abteilung, Branche branch A local office or division of a large organisation
- Bankauszug bank statement Information sent by a bank to customer, showing payment transactions over a particular period
- Banknote, Geldschein bill a prinzed or written statement of money owed for goods or services
- Haushalt, Kostenrahmen budget an amount of money that a busniess can spend on particular activities or equipment
- Vorsitzender chair The position of being in charge of a meeting, to person who is in charge
- eine Diskussion leiten to chair
- Behauptung, Anspruch claim a statement by someone that sth. is true but which is not proved
- Zusammenarbeit, Mitarbeit collaboration when people work together to achieve the same objective
- Unternehmenskultur corporate culture
- Wohltätigkeit, Wohltätigkeitszweck charity an organisation set up to raise money and provide help for those in need
- Vorstandsvorsitzender, Geschäftsführer CEO (chief executive officer) THe manager with the most authority in the day to day running of the business
- Büroarbeit clerical work routine administrative tasks in an office
- Genossenschaft cooperative an organisation that is owned and run by the people involved
- Firmenimage, Firmenidentität corporate identity the personalitiy of a company
- Firmenimage, Firmenidentität corporate identity the personalitiy of a company
- Skonto für Barzahlung cash discount a price reduction given if a customer pays immediately or in cash
- Zahlungsfluss, Geldfluss cash flow the balance between money received and paid by a busniess in a particular activities or equipment
- Gebühr charge the amount of money that someone asks in return for goods or services
- Provision commission an amount of money, typically a percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in a commercial transaction
- Kreditkontrolle, Überwachung credit control a system used by a business to make sure that it gives credit only
- Limit, Kreditgrenze credit limit the maximum amount that a lender will give a borrower
- Kreditrisiko credit risk the possibility that a borrower will not repay a loan
- Überweisung direct payment of money from one bank account to another
- Gutschreiben, to credit to add an amount of money to an account
- Gläubiger, Kreditschreiber creditor a person or company to whom money is owed
- Kreditwürdigkeit, Zahlungsfähigkeit creditworthiness the extent to which a borrower can be trusted to repay a debt
- Währung currency the system of money in use in a particular country e.g. euros, dollars
- Girokonto current account an account with a bank from which money can be taken out at any time without notice
- Kleiderordnung, Kleidervorschrift dress code a set of rules that an organisation has about what people must or must not wear
- Abteilung department a section of a large business organisation or shop
- Vertrieb, Verteilung distribution the action or process of supplying goods to retailers
- abbuchen to debit to remove an amount of money from an account