Englisch / Mediengestalter (Fach) / Vocabulary (Lektion)
In dieser Lektion befinden sich 87 Karteikarten
Englisch für Mediengestalter
Diese Lektion wurde von MikeBenJerry erstellt.
- bestimmte, besondere particular
- Kontext, Zusammenhang context
- allgemein, herkömmlich common
- gleich equal
- Handfläche palm
- ruhen to rest
- Handgelenk wrist
- Ausrichtung alignment
- genau accurate
- Aufwand, Anstrengung, Bemühung effort
- They are used to move the cursor, as an alternative to the mouse. arrow keys
- It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces (in tabulations and data fields) tab
- It stops a program without losing the information from the main memory. Sometimes its use depends on the applications. escape
- A long key at the bottom of the keyboard. Each time it is pressed, it produces a blank space. space bar
- It moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line. It is also used to confirm commands. return
- It works in combination with other keys to produce special characters or specific actions. alt
- It removes the characters on the left of the cursor or any selected text. backspace
- It produces UPPER-CASE characters (or the upper-case character of the key). shift
- It produces upper-case letters, but it does not affect numbers and symbols. caps-lock
- erlauben to allow
- länger brauchen to take much longer
- Zeiger pointer
- abhängig sein von... to depend on...
- wählen, auswählen to choose
- editieren, bearbeiten to edit
- Form shape
- Schreibtisch desk
- einfügen to insert
- gleichzeitig similarly
- umwandeln to convert
- Viereck square
- Rechteck rectangle
- Ecke corner
- ziehen, strecken to stretch
- zunehmend, weitgehend widely
- betonen, hervorheben highlight
- positionieren to position