Pathologie (Fach) / Endokrines System (Lektion)

In dieser Lektion befinden sich 27 Karteikarten

6. SJ.

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  • Thyroid cancer types Differentiated - Papillary- Follicular- Hürthle cell Undifferentiated:- Medullary - Anaplastic
  • Papilläres Schilddrüsenkarzinom - Häufiste Schilddrüsenkarzinom- Assoziiert mit RET/PTC Translokation and BRAF Mutationen (Onkogene), Exposition zu radioaktiven Strahlen während der Kindheit  Histologie:- Wenig Protein, wenig DNA ...
  • Follikuläres Schilddrüsenkarzinom - 2. häufiste Form von Schilddrüsenkarzinom- Assoziiert mit ↓ Jod, RAS Aktivation, Deaktivation von PTEN- Hämatogene Metastasierung Histologie:- Trabekulärer Bau- Kapselinvasion, Invasion in Blutgefässen ...
  • Medulläres Schilddrüsenkarzinom - Von den parafollikulären C-Zellen abgeleitet, die meist im oberen Drittel der Schilddrüse lokalisiert sind- Produktion von Kalzitonin- Spontane Mutation in RET Onkogen (einzeln)- Hereditär: Familial ...
  • Anaplastisches Schilddrüsenkarzinom ∼1-2% aller Schilddrüsenkarzinome- Am meisten aggressiv Histologie:- Hochgradige Zell- und Kernpolymorphie- Spindelzellig, pleomorphische Riesenzellen- Infiltrativ-destruktiv wachsend- Nekrosen und ...
  • Phäochromozytom - Aus den Chromaffinzellen- 25% hereditär: MEN2A, MEN2B, Neurofibromatose Typ 1, von Hippel Lindau (VHL) Histologie:- Pleomorphes Bild mit sehr grossen Zellen, Kernpolymorphie aber trotzdem benigne!- ...
  • Neuroendokrine Zellen - Können überall vorkommen, insbesondere aus dem Epithel des Gastointestinaltrakts oder Lunge - Bekommen Signal von Nervenzellen und sezernieren Hormone Mögliche Hormone:- Amine (Serotonin, Histamin)- ...
  • Karzinoides Karzinom - Entwirkeln meist im Gastrointestinaltrakt. Wird erst symptomatisch, wenn sich Lebermetastasen bilden und dem 1st Pass Metabolismus entgehen. Wenn Symptome vorhanden, dann heisse es Karzinoid Syndrom.Serotonin:- ...
  • Thyroid nodule - Differential Benign thyroid nodules (∼95% of cases):- Thyroid adenomas→ Follicular adenoma (most common)→ Hürthle cell adenoma→ Toxic adenoma→ Papillary adenoma (least common)- Thyroid cysts- Toxic multinodular ...
  • Follicular adenoma Most common type of thyroid adenoma. Clinical features:- Often presents as a slow-growing solitary nodule- The nodule grows larger → develops autonomy → over the course of several years becomes a ...
  • Toxic adenoma Pathophysiology: - Gain-of-function mutations of TSH receptor gene in a single precursor cell → autonomous functioning of the follicular cells of a single nodule → focal hyperplasia of thyroid follicular ...
  • Toxic multinodular goiter - Second most common cause of hyperthyroidism- More prevalent in iodine-deficient areas Pathophysiology: Chronic iodine deficiency/thyroid dysfunction → decreased hormone production → increased pituitary ...
  • Thyroid cysts Classification- Simple cysts are exclusively fluid-filled nodules lined by benign epithelial cells.- Complex cysts are partly solid and partly cystic and carry a 5-10% risk of malignancy. Etiology:∼ ...
  • Goiter - Differential - Iodine deficiency (leading cause of goiter worldwide) - Inflammation (eg, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, subacute granulomatous thyroiditis) - Graves' disease - Ingestion of goitrogens (eg, lithium carbonate) ...
  • Graves disease Most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States- F > M (8:1)- Typical age range: 20-40 years - 50% of patients with Graves disease have a family history of autoimmune disorders (eg, type 1 diabetes ...
  • Morbus Basedow 1. Hyperplastisches Follikelepithel- Hohe zylindrische Zellen mit prominenten, vesikulärem Kern- Neigt sich dazu, sich papillär in das Lumen vorzuwölben 2. Wenig Kolloid 3. Gut vaskularisiertes Stroma ...
  • Thyroiditis - Differential - Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Subacute thyroiditis (de Quervain's thyroiditis) - Postpartum thyroiditis - Riedel thyroiditis - Grave's disease
  • Riedel's thyroiditis Rare, special form of autoimmune thyroiditis. Etiology:- Component of IgG4-related disease (may also cause fibrosis of salivary glands, kidneys, pancreas and lungs)IgG4 attacks thyroid follicar cells ...
  • Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (De Quervain thyroiditis) ... Transient patchy inflammation of the thyroid gland that is associated with granuloma formation. Etiology:- Viral infections: Mumps virus, Coxsackie virus, influenza virus, echovirus, adenovirus- Mycobacterial ...
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis Most common form of autoimmune thyroiditis and the leading cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.- F:M = 7:1 - Associations with HLA-DR3 and DR5, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or autoimmune diseases ...
  • Hashimoto Thyreoiditis - Leicht fibrosiertes, knotiges mikrofollikuläres Schilddrüsenparenchym. - Dichtes lymphoplasmazelluläres Entzündungsinfiltrat mit Sekundärfollikeln. - Herdförmige entzündliche Zerstörung des ...
  • Papillary carcinoma Most common thyroid cancer. - Associated with RET/PTC rearrangements and BRAF mutations, childhood radiation. - Metastasizes to regional cervical lymph nodes.∼ 80% of cases- 30-50 years of age Pathology:- ...
  • Follicular carcinoma - Associated with PAX8-PPAR-γ rearrangement and RAS mutation.- Patients with iodine deficiency ∼10% of cases- 40-60 years of age - Hematogenous metastasis (lungs, bone) Pathology:- Uniform follicles- ...
  • Medullary thyroid cancer Tissue of origin: Parafollicular cells (C cells) - Sometimes a genetic predisposition: multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) (25% of medullary carcinomas)- Sporadic (75% of medullary carcinomas) ...
  • Neuroblastoma Malignant neuroendocrine tumor of the sympathetic nervous system that originates from neural crest cells.- 3rd most common childhood cancer overall, following leukemia and brain tumors- Mean age at diagnosis: ...
  • Pheochromocytoma Tumor arising from chromaffin cells, which are derived from the neural crest. Locations include:∼ 90% adrenal medulla (physiologically activated by acetylcholine) ∼ 10% extra-adrenal in the sympathetic ...
  • Organe mit Kapsel - Schilddrüse - Lymphknoten - Niere - Nebenniere - Milz - Hypophyse