Leadership (Fach) / 1) Introduction (Lektion)

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  • Definition Leadership - process of influencing activities of an organized group toward goal achievement- ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of an organization- zielorientierte soziale Einflussnahme zur Erfüllung gemeinsamer Aufgaben - process of influencing others- process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives 24, 36
  • Controversies about leadership 26 - formal leadership: special role as leader- informal leadership: shared influence process (no clear leader) purpose of influence attempts:- ethical leadership: becoming a leader for justice, equality or any other social benefit/reason (Martin Luther King Jr.)- unethical leadership: becoming a leader just for personal gains, power or money (Osama bin Laden) Influence based on reason vs emotion:- transactional leadership: based on reason (rewards and punishments) to motivate followers, own self interest as priority (Barack Obama)- transformational leadership: based on emotion (charisma, enthusiasm ignited in followers), group interest as priority (regular boss) - direct leadership: (direct supervisor, structural influence????)- indirect leadership: (CEO, behavioral influence???) - leadership or management:  -> leaders: form vision, inspire people, "do the right thing"  -> managers: implement vision, develop agendas and actions, "do things right" 25-34
  • Leadership dilemmas effectiveness:- immediate vs delayed outcomes- diverse success indicators- stakeholders with different preferences- economic effectiveness vs. socio-psychological effectiveness:  -> economic: organizational perspective, focus company goals, productivity, quality, profit  -> socio-psychological: human perspective, focus employeess' needs, job satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover - employees as means or as ends - equality vs indiviual treatment - objectivity vs emotionality - overall responsibility vs individual responsibility - goal orientation vs process orientation => dilemmas are unavoidable=> leaders have to deal with them 37-39
  • Conceptual levels of leadership 40 (Zwiebelmodell mit individual < dyad < group < organization) Individual:- influence of leaders' traits, values and skills on behavior and effectiveness Dyad:- influence of leaders on individual subordinates- leaders: different treatment of individual subordinates and its consequences Group:- How is leadership shared in a team?- leaders: organize teamwork, create team identity, increase team performance Organization:- influence of top-executives on other employees- leaders: facilitate strategic change, shape organizational performance 40-42
  • Leadership theories 46, 47 Definition:- direct relation to leadership processes- antecendent conditions of leadership- effective influence of leaders on followers Core elements (46):- situation (position, environment), leader, followers  -> alle Aspekte voneinander abhängig und beeinflussen alle anderen Aspekte- different foci- leader's role often overemphasized Overall framework (47):leader's traits/skills -> behav. <-> power, influ. <-> followers' behav. -> perform. outcomes                                    ^                 ^                       ^                                        |                 |                         |                                      -      situational variables       - 45-50