Leadership (Fach) / 2.1) Classic theories of leadership (Lektion)

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Trait theories of leadership

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  • Trait theory - Allgemeines, classic trait theories und modern trait theories 3 - concerns leader traits, skills, attitudes, feelings- Which characteristics make leaders more or less successful? Classic trait theories:- "great man" theories: successful leadership depends on personal characteristics, leaders are different because of outstanding traits, traits are stable and consistent (leaders are born, not made but in reality personality traits are only stable short-term)- only 5 core characteristics relevant: intelligence, achievement, responsibility, extraversion, status- problems: lack of theoretical foundation, no consistent characteristics of successful leaders, tons of different traits Modern trait theories:- emergent leadership: who pursues a leadership career?- leadership effectiveness: who is effective in leadership positions?- leadership careers: who builds successful careers in management positions?- "derailed" managers: compare successful and failed managers' traits 3-9
  • Personality - Einordnung, Definition 12 Einordnung:- part of distal (ferne) attributes (personality, cognitive abilities, motives/values)- influences proximal (nahe) attributes (social appraisal skills, problem-solving skills, expertise/tacit knowledge) and thus leadership criteria (leader processes, leader emergence, leader effectiveness, leader advancement and promotion)- relevant for leadership Definition:- stable, all-encompassing (allumfassend) characteristic that describes a person's behavior- relatively constant, situation-independent patterns of thought, feeling and action- tons of potentially relevant dimensions -> practical application near impossible Big 5-Modell (15):- 5 dimensions: (Eselsbrücke: wie ecans aber mit o statt s am ende)  E xtraversion (sociable, friendly)  C onscientiousness (organized, hard-working, determined, careful)  A greeableness (altruistic, understanding, helpful)  N euroticism (anxious, stressed, nervous, embarrassed, worried)  O penness (curious, intellectual, open-minded)- most widely used and well-established framework- comprehensive depiction of personality- extraversion, openness and conscientiousness found in meta-analysis to influence leadership success 12-17
  • Cognitive abilities - Einordnung, Definition 18 Einordnung:- part of distal (ferne) attributes (personality, cognitive abilities, motives/values)- influences proximal (nahe) attributes (social appraisal skills, problem-solving skills, expertise/tacit knowledge) and thus leadership criteria (leader processes, leader emergence, leader effectiveness, leader advancement and promotion) Definition:- =general cognitive ability = IQ- ability to grasp and reason correctly with abstractions and solve mental problems- effect: greater and faster learning, especially for complex materials- combination of different abilities -> general cognitive ability- facilitates success in nearly every aspect of life- among most important predictors of job performance- relevant for leadership Example dimensions:- numerical ability (speedy, accurate arithmetic)- verbal ability (understand what is read or heard)- spatial ability (imagining position of object after position change) 18-22
  • Motives/Values - Einordnung, Definition 23 Einordnung:- part of distal (ferne) attributes (personality, cognitive abilities, motives/values)- influences proximal (nahe) attributes (social appraisal skills, problem-solving skills, expertise/tacit knowledge) and thus leadership criteria (leader processes, leader emergence, leader effectiveness, leader advancement and promotion)- relevant for leadership Definition:- Values: beliefs about appropriate behaviors/outcomes, relatively stable long-term, strong moral connotation- Motives: recurring (wiederkehrend) preferences for specific means and ends, relatively stable needs, guides actions  -> need for power: facilitates acquisition of leadership roles and leadership success; personalized (power for own benefit) or socialized (power for social reasons) orientation  -> need for achievement: mixed results, some find positive relation with successful leadership  -> need for affiliation: unrelated or negatively related with success 23-25
  • Proximal attributes - Einordnung, Definitionen 26 Einordnung- Proximal (nahe) attributes: social appraisal skills, problem-solving skills, expertise/tacit knowledge- successor of distal (ferne) attributes (personality, cognitive abilities, motives/values)- influences leadership criteria (leader processes, leader emergence, leader effectiveness, leader advancement and promotion) problem-solving skills:- = conceptual skills- recognize and (creatively) solve problems- leads to leadership success- very important for strategic issues expertise:- = technical skills- knowledge about working methods, procedures, techniques- leads to leadership success (especially at lower management levels)- important for effective work planning and dealing with errors social appraisal skills:- = interpersonal/social skills- deal effectively with social situations and feelings- example: emotional intelligence- recognize, understand, regualte and manage emotions, use emotions to facilitate thinking- leads to leader emergence, development of effective leadership behaviors, leadership success 26-29
  • Leader's operating environment - Einordnung 30, 31 Einordnung:- influences proximal attrubutes and leadership criteria- low management level requirements: high technical skills, middle social skills, low problem-solving skills- middle management level requirements: middle skill level bei technical, social and problem-solving- top management level requirements: low technical skills, above middle social skills, high problem-solving skills 30, 31
  • curvilinear relationships 33 - nonlinear effects rarely studied but possibly very important- zB too much assertiveness (pursuing and defending own interests) not good (U-Verlauf) 33
  • Interplay of different traits 34, 35 - interaction of traits and their joined effect on leadership outcomes- zB joint effect of extraversion and emotion recognition on task coordination behavior  -> result: level of emotion recognition decreases task coordination when extraversion is low, level of emotion recognition highly increases task coordination when extraversion is high 34, 35
  • Underlying/mediating mechanisms 36 - leader traits & characteristics influence leader behaviors and attributions & relational associations which influence leadership effectiveness 36
  • Trait theories - Weaknesses - important aspects long ignored:  -> contextual influences, curvilinear relationships (U-Form), mediating mechanisms - leader-centric perspective  -> followers' role not enough considered - teilweise weak theoretical basis 37
  • trait theories - Strengths - credibility through decades of empirical research - robust empirical findings for personality and intelligence - important criteria for leader selection - aids self-assessment of leadership capabilities 38