Anästhesie (Fach) / Anatomie (Lektion)

Vorderseite Wirbelsäule

Cervical disc herniations are less common and the discs most affected are those between the fifth and sixth or sixth and seventh vertebrae. Each spinal root emerges above the corresponding vertebrae; thus, the C5-C6 disc protrusion compresses the C6 nerve root. Each transverse process of the cervical vertebrae possesses foramen transversarium but the vertebral artery passes only through the foramen transversarium of C1-C6.

Costal facets are present on the sides of the bodies of all the thoracic vertebrae and transverse processes of only the first ten thoracic vertebrae.

The lumbar vertebrae have no facets for articulation with the ribs and no foramina in the transverse processes. The intervertebral discs contribute to one quarter of the length of the vertebral column. They are thickest in the cervical and lumbar region. No discs are found between the first two cervical vertebrae or in the sacrum or coccyx.

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