Anästhesie (Fach) / Anatomie (Lektion)

Vorderseite Larynx

The larynx extends from C3 to C6. It contains six paired (arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform) and three unpaired (epiglottis, thyroid and the cricoid) cartilages.

The cricoid cartilage is a signet ring shaped cartilage at the level of C6.

The larynx contains four extrinsic ligaments (thyrohyoid, hyoepiglottic, cricothyroid and cricotracheal).

ventricle of the larynx is the fossa between the true and false cords
Rima glottidis is the space between the true vocal cords

All of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerves, except the cricothyroid which is supplied by the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.

Regarding the intrinsic muscles of the larynx:

  • The posterior cricoarytenoids abduct the cords
  • The lateral cricoarytenoids and interarytenoids adduct the cords
  • The sphincters to the vestibule are the aryepiglottics and the thyroepiglottics.

Vocal cord tension is regulated by the

  • Cricothyroids (tensors)
  • Thyroarytenoids (relaxors) and the
  • Vocales (fine adjustments).

The left recurrent laryngeal nerve is damaged twice as often as the right due to its intrathoracic course making it more vulnerable.

A neuropraxia to the recurrent laryngeal nerve results in paralysis of the ipsilateral vocal cord, which causes the vocal cord to adduct (lies near the midline). Complete transection of the nerve results in abduction of the vocal cord.

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