Anästhesie (Fach) / Anatomie (Lektion)

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Vorderseite N. laryngeus recurrens/ N. laryngeus superior

N. laryngeus superior versorgt alle Muskeln des Larynx ausser M. cricothyroideus (versorgt vom oberen Kehlkopfsnerv)

Sensibel unterhalb der Stimmbänder

einseitige Lähmung: Heiserkeit, bds. Atemnot

The incidence of injuries to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) has been reported as 1% - 14% after thyreoid resection

N. laryngeus superior (Vagusast)

verläuft medial der Arteria carotis externa. Er teilt sich auf Höhe desZungenbeins in zwei Äste auf:

  • den kleineren motorischen Ramus externus (M.cricothyroideus)
  • den grösseren sensiblen Ramus internus (Larynx oberhalb der Stimmbänder)
  • These nerves innervate muscles that fine-tune the vocal cords. If they are injured the voice quality is usually fairly normal but creating high-pitched sounds may difficult. The incidence of injury to the EBSLN is approximately 2% after thyreoid resection

The superior laryngeal nerve can be blocked below and anterior to the greater cornu of the hyoid bone, which is where the nerve divides into its two branches.

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