Botanik (Fach) / Morphology (Lektion)

Vorderseite Shoot metamorphosis

Stolons (Ausläufer): above ground, thin, creeping shoot with very long internodes

->for vegetative interproduction like in bugleherb, common silverweed, strawberry

Rhizomes (Wurzelstock): subterranean, mostly horizontal thick shoots that serve as storage and hibernating organs

Leaves are present (in contrast to roots), but strongly reduced, often scally (abblätternd) like ginger, timothy or bearded iris

Tubers: the axis is thickened, internodes are short, leaves are often strongly reduced

->mostly subterranean (as in potatoes), sometimes aboveground (some types of cabbage)

Bulbs: short stems with fleshy leaves or leaf bases that serve as a storage organ (the storage is in the leaves)

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