Cracking the Coding Interview (Fach) / behavioral questions (Lektion)

Vorderseite Bachelor: content challenges mistakes/failures enjoyed leadership conflicts


50% Business Administration

o accountingRechnungslegung, Controlling

o finance and investmentInvestition und finanzierung

o economicsVWL

o hrmPersonalmenagement

o business lawWirtschaftsrecht

o marketing

o corporate governanceUnternehmensführung

50% Psychology

o Grundlagengeneral psychology (allg. P.)differential psychology (differentielle P.)social psychologie (Sozialpsychologie)

o work- and organizational psychologyArbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

o intercultural psychologyinterkulturelle Psychologie

o employee diagnostics and developmentEignungsdiagnostik und Personalentwicklung

o behavioral economicsVerhaltensökonomie

o market and advertisement psychologyMarkt- und Werbepsychologie

o leadership psychologyFührungspsychologie


o statistics

o project management


· study everything reading

· very dry

· study a lot

mistakes/failures,· scientific writing

enjoyed· learning & improving

· doing valuable scientific research

· financial markets

· psychology

leadership· very independent

· in group tasts I would take on leadership give other people room for if they want to take leadership take it if it doesn't show

conflicts· conflicts in group tasks

· trying to find the balance between delivering a good result and keeping the peace

what I‘d do differently· I would go all in from the start

· I would study computer science

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