Cracking the Coding Interview (Fach) / behavioral questions (Lektion)

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Vorderseite Crush-It: technology challenges mistakes/failures enjoyed What I learned What I would do differently

Technology· PyQt userinterface

· class game

· Terminal userinterface

· unittest

challenges· write first unittests

· first complete project – krasser Unterschied zum normalen script

· learn PyQt

· learn unittests and write testable code

mistakes/failures,· obviously I made mistakes

· I asked various people to do a code review

· I learned a lot from my mistakes

· write testable code

enjoyed· satisfaction to write a whole game that’s actually usable

What I learned· how to create a whole project (full stack)

· write callback functions

give callback function to game class from the user interface

what I ‘d do differently· I would use an established algorithm to conquer the logic

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