Dermatology (Fach) / Derma Oral (Lektion)

Vorderseite 4. Dermis - Structure and function

The dermis is a tough layer of skin. The dermis is composed of two layers; papillary layer and the reticular layer

The papillary layer provides the layer above it, the epidermis, with nutrients to produce keratinocytes. It also helps regulate the temperature of our skin and thus the body as a whole. Both the nutrient supply and temperature regulation occur thanks to an extensive network of blood vessels in this layer.

The reticular layer serves to strengthen the skin and also provides our skin with elasticity. The reticular layer also contains hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. The sweat gland contributes to body odour and help regulate our body temperature through the process of evaporation. The sebaceous glands found in the dermis secrete a substance called sebum that helps to lubricate and protect our skin from drying out.

The dermis also contains: Nerve endings that transmit various stimuli such as pain, itch, pressure, and temperature. Lymphatic vessels that transport immune system cells, the cells that help destroy infectious organisms that may have found their way into our body via a scratch on the skin and collagen that helps strengthen our skin, and elastin that helps keep our skin flexible

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