Pathologie (Fach) / ORL (Lektion)

Vorderseite Acute tonsillitis - Differential

Pharyngitis: - Viral (more common) or bacterial (Group A Streptococcus)- Reddened pharynx with white-yellowish deposits on both tonsils

Tonsillitis in infectious mononucleosis:- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)- Enlarged erythematous tonsils with white and grey deposits - Generalized lymphadenitis

Tonsillitis in diphtheria:- Corynebacterium diphtheriae- Pseudomembranes

Herpangina: - Coxsackie A virus- Multiple 1-mm vesicles located on the posteriororopharynx and tonsils; pharyngeal and tonsillar redness- May occur as a component of the hand, foot, and mouth disease

Herpetic pharyngotonsillitis:- HSV-1- Multiple small oral lesions located in the anterior oropharynx and lips

Vincent angina:- Synergistic mixed infection with Treponema vincentii and Fusobacterium nucleatum- Unilateral ulcers on the pharyngeal tonsils- Foul breath

Oral thrush:- Candida albicans- Pseudomembranous stomatitis with white plaques

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