Marketing (Fach) / Marketing Planning - Analysis (Lektion)

Vorderseite Step 1: Mission (Corporate Goals, Objectives) typical questions definiton 4 characteristics

typical mission questions:- What is your business?- Who is your customer?- What do consumers value?- What should your business be?alert: continuously raise and answer those questions!

Definition:broadly defined, enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes a company from others of its typepurpose = clear business definition and clear sense of direction

- clear mission statement focuses on what customers by not what the company is selling- more marketing-orientated- create 'corporate identity'- goals and specified objectives derived from the mission

4 characteristics for an effective mission statement:- based on a solid comprehension of the business and its vision- based upon a deep personal conviction and motivation of the founder or leader Google = organize all the worlds information and make it accessible- strategic intent of winning = create a sense of common and shared purpose - be enabling. Mission statement = framework for managers in which they decide their actions

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