Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement (Fach) / 3) Strategic technology management (Lektion)

Vorderseite Technology intelligence organization


- first step to create an effective technology intelligence program- technology intelligence system must link market requirements to various technologies, and the sources of intelligence to the needs of decision makers- market requirements influence technologies/the kind of technologies developed

Methods of technology intelligence organization:- structural/hierarchical method of coordination (company-based, corporate level, top-down-dissemination; dedicated TI-unit, TI-unit can work themself or delegate the work to lower units)- hybrid method of coordination (project-based; best method to use; team consisting of members from lower units; + more flexibility; + can immediately react to market changes; - dissemination is not done (knowledge stays in the team), + efficient/effective)- informal method of coordination (individual-based; most often used by companies; people from different units are doing different tasks for the technology intelligence coordination; - knowledge isn't shared/"stays" with one person (when the person is gone and their knowledge isn't disseminated/documented, their knowledge is gone too); - no dissemination)

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