Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement (Fach) / 3) Strategic technology management (Lektion)

Vorderseite ____ Disruption within the computer industry

Mainframe -> Minicomputer -> Desktop -> Pc and Laptop -> Smartphone -> Tablet -> Smartwatches

Example of Microsoft: Courier- product concept: digital, dual-screen and booklet-like tablet- intended functions: foldable journal for drafts and sketches ("digital notebook") based on touch input and handwriting recognition- product development was already advanced (and a lot of money had already been spent) but Courier never made it to the market; project was cancelled before launch in 2010- possible reasons for project cancellation: -> Microsoft is a software-oriented company not a hardware-oriented company, maybe they thought Courier doesn't fit their image -> Courier couldn't run apps that Microsoft customers were used to; no email function -> customers misunderstood the use (supposed to be complementary to PCs but was perceived as a replacement for PCs) -> Courier didn't match Microsoft's overall vision -> conflicting goals (push the radically different Courier forward or focus on the development of Windows?) -> too focused on existing customer base (didn't use niche for Courier)

VIDEO 16 und 17


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