USMLE (Fach) / Microbiology (Lektion)

Vorderseite Common vaginal infections

Bacterial vaginosis:- No inflammation- thin, white discharge with fishy odor- Clue cells- pH >4.5- Treatment: Metronidazol

Trichomonas vaginitis:- Inflammation ("strawberry cervix")- Frothy, yellow-green, foul-smelling discharge- Motile trichomonads- pH >4.5- Treatment: Metronidazol, treat sexual partners

Candida vulvovaginitis- Common triggers: Antibiotic use (reduction of lactobacilli popultion), high estrogen levels (eg, pregnancy), systemic corticosteroid therapy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, immunosuppresion.- Inflammation- Thick, white, "cottage cheese" discharge- Pseudohyphae- pH normal (4.0-4.5)- Treatment: azoles

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